Updating or switching Stripe accounts
If you find yourself needing to update your payment integration between Stripe and MV:
1. First disconnect from the current Stripe account.
2. Then to establish a new connection, make sure you've logged out of your old Stripe account and logged into the new account. If you are logged into a Stripe account when you set-up the integration through MV, you're integration will be automatically set-up for the Stripe account you're logged into.
Updating or switching Paypal accounts
1. Delete the pre-existing PayPal integration details from within your MV dashboard and then click "Save Paypal Settings". This will ensure that MV has purged the original details and it's clean for a new set of API details.
Questions? Reach out to us at hello@membervault.co, via the chat support within your Admin account or seek peer support within our FB Group, The MV Collaborative.