If you offer payment plans or recurring subscription payments in your MemberVault account, you may occasionally receive emails from us that notify you of a failed payment from one of your members.
We recommend reaching out to your member and asking them to update their credit card details within the Billing area of your MV Site
(https://yourmvdomainname.mvsite.app/products/billing ) to help ensure the next payment attempt by Stripe or PayPal is successful.
Both Stripe and PayPal will attempt recurring charges 4 times, prior to cancelling. You'll receive a daily notification email from MemberVault until the next payment attempt is successful, as well as a notification email if the plan cancels due to 4 failed payments.
(Keep in mind, your member may have already updated their payment method even when you're still receiving these emails, so you can either manually push the charge or wait until the next payment attempt, at which time these emails will stop sending.)
You can also reach out to the user to ask them to update their card details inside PayPal or Stripe.
If the issue remains unresolved and none of the above has worked for you, please send us an email to hello@membervault.co or via chat support and we will see if we can help you troubleshoot this further.
Related articles:
How Do I Reset or Update My Payment Integrations?
Questions? Reach out to us at hello@membervault.co, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).