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Help! I Want To Pause A User's Subscription!
Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over 2 years ago

Some of your users may want to pause their subscription for a period of time.

To pause a subscription, you will need to log in to your payment gateway account (Stripe or Paypal), locate the subscription, and take action there.

It's a little easier to pause payments in Stripe than it is in PayPal, but both can be done.


  • On the Recurring Payments Profile Details page, click “Suspend”.


  • On the subscription details page, click the button with three dots and select “Pause payment collection”

When you decide to pause a member, you’ll need to decide how this affects their access to members-only content and benefits. You can either remove the user's access from the membership or leave the user in there depending on how you wish to handle this.

Whenever you re-add the user back into the product, the previous progress made in your product will be maintained.

In case you need further help with pausing your user's subscriptions, here are the direct links to the help centers of our payment integrations:

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