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Carousel widget settings
Updated over 4 months ago

Once you add the carousel widget to your site, the settings will appear in the side panel of the editor. Below is an overview of the available settings:

Display settings

You can customize the look of the Moast carousel widget to match your site’s design. Here's what you can do:

  • Padding (spacing above/below): You can add padding to the top and bottom of the carousel to control the spacing around it. Use the slider to add up to 100px of padding. This helps you create the desired space between the widget and other elements on your page.

  • Slide Size: The card size setting allows you to adjust the dimensions of each profile card within the carousel. By selecting a smaller card size, you can display more profiles on the screen at once. A larger card size offers a close-up focus on profiles but will show fewer profiles at once in the carousel.

  • Slide Rounding: The slide rounding option lets you customize the profile card border radius. Choose between sharp, slightly rounded, or fully rounded edges to match your site’s look.

  • Slide Spacing: You can adjust how far apart or close together the profile cards appear in the carousel. Choose more spacing for a more open look or less spacing for a more compact display.

Sort Order

The Sort Order setting allows you to decide which profiles are prioritized in the carousel. You can choose to display profiles with videos first, show the newest profiles, or use the Mixed option, which randomly displays profiles.

Default Profile Display

When adding the carousel to your homepage, the widget will, by default, display profiles associated with all products.

Display Profiles for Specific Products

If you'd like to limit the profiles displayed to a specific product, use the product picker. Simply select the product, and only the profiles related to that product will be shown in the carousel.

If you want to remove the product filter, click 'Change' then select 'Connect dynamic source'. This will display profiles for all products instead of filtering by a specific one.

Product Page Profile Display

When you add the widget to product pages, by default, the carousel will only show profiles associated with the product a shopper is currently viewing. This ensures that the content is highly relevant to the product being considered.

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