Subscribers to our Haynes Technical Data add-on can access service times and create labour rates based on these times. This guide explains how to access and apply repair times efficiently.
Accessing Service Times
You can access service times from the following locations:
Technical Data (Main Menu)
Vehicle Technical Data Tab (Available in Jobsheets, Invoices, and Quotations)
You may need to add this tab using the "Configure Tabs" option.
"Add Service" Button (Available in Sales Invoices, Sales Quotations, and Jobsheets)
Navigating Servicing Times
Browse the Menu:
Use the left-hand menu to find the required service.
Full service details will be displayed on the right-hand panel.
Managing Additional Tasks:
At the top of the service details, you’ll find an "Additional Tasks" section.
These tasks are optional according to Haynes but can be toggled on/off as needed.
Toggling tasks may adjust the required parts and update the Additional Time field accordingly. When viewing the servicing times you can navigate through the menu on the left to find the service that you require and you will then see full information about the service on the right.
Adding a service to documents
When you open service times from one of these documents, once you've selected the items you want to add click 'Continue'. This will then show you the Parts & Labour screen. From top to bottom:
Labour Rate
The system pulls in a previewed labour rate, which can be manually adjusted (cost, net, VAT, estimated hours/quantity).
Parts to Be Ordered from GSF
Clicking this option launches the GSF Punchout to build an order.
Part IDs from Haynes are pre-loaded, but it's recommended to cross-reference the final parts list with your order.
Parts & Temporary Parts
Add stock parts from your inventory or create temporary parts for the order.
Create Checklist (Optional)
Selecting "Create Checklist" generates a checklist linked to the labour item.
This checklist can be viewed and completed within VGM and the Technician App (similar to VHCs).
Use "Checklist Preview" to review before finalizing.
Once all service details, parts, and labour rates are set, click "Add Work Items" to finalize the order.
Printing the Checklist
To print the checklist, use the Print button located at the top-right of the screen.