With the new bookings window in VGM, you can customize your view, allowing you to prominently display the items you need to see and hide those you do not. Here's how to configure your booking window:
Configuring Tabs
With a booking window open, select the three dots in the top right by the Save button.
Choose the Configure Tabs option from the dropdown menu.
βManage Tabs
The configuration window will show all available tabs.
To add a tab to your bookings window, ensure it is in the "Active tabs" column. You can click and drag items from the "Inactive tabs" column to the "Active tabs" column.
To hide a tab, drag it from the "Active tabs" column to the "Inactive tabs" column.
After organizing the tabs, make sure to click Save to apply your changes
Configuring Booking Overview
With a booking window open, click the Edit Overview button on the right.
βManage Cards:
Similar to tabs, you can move cards between the active and inactive columns.
Additionally, you can organize cards into the right or left columns to further customize the view to your preference.
After organizing the cards into the desired columns, make sure to click Save to apply your changes.