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How To Create Your Ancestry & FamilySearch Poster
How To Create Your Ancestry & FamilySearch Poster

A step-by-step guide to starting your project.

Janelle avatar
Written by Janelle
Updated over a week ago

Preserve and share your family tree with a custom Family Tree Poster. Connect your Ancestry or FamilySearch account and choose from three beautiful designs (Classic, Modern, and Vintage). Your custom poster will be printed on archival-quality photo paper and pair perfectly with a standard-size frame or a set of our Wood Poster Rails. Display your family's story in your home and enjoy it for years to come!

MyCanvas is a self-publishing website that enables and members to incorporate some of the information from their online trees into Family History Books, Posters, and Calendars.

We offer Family Tree Posters that display a portion of your Ancestry & FamilySearch tree, including names, photos, and dates. Unfortunately, we can't print out the entire family tree.

Keep reading for the step-by-step guide to creating your Family Tree Poster, or watch the video tutorials at the end of the guide.

Poster Types

Before creating your Ancestry or FamilySearch Poster, please take note of the poster types we offer and the maximum number of generations that can be printed.


  • The standard poster follows the family tree of an individual back five to nine generations.

  • It includes their direct line of ancestors (i.e., the starting individual with their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.).

  • The maximum number of generations for this poster is 9.

24x18" - Landscape Format - 5 Generations ($40.00)

24x18" - Landscape Format - 6 Generations ($40.00)

24x36" - Portrait Format - 7 Generations ($50.00)

36x48" - Portrait Format - 8 Generations ($60.00)

36x48" - Portrait Format - 9 Generations ($60.00)


  • The combination poster follows the family tree of a couple back four to seven generations.

  • It includes the couple's children and the direct line of ancestors for each person in the starting couple (i.e., the children of the starting couple, the starting couple, and their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.).

  • The maximum number of generations for this poster is 7.

20x16" - Landscape Format - 4 Generations ($30.00)

24x18" - Landscape Format - 5 Generations ($40.00)

36x24" - Landscape Format - 6 Generations ($50.00)

36x24" - Landscape Format - 7 Generations ($50.00)


  • The descendant poster follows the family tree of an individual or couple forward for three or four generations.

  • Select three generations to include the starting person or couple's children and grandchildren.

  • Select four generations to include the starting person or couple's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

3 Generations - $40.00.

4 Generations - $50.00.

The size of the Descendant Poster (18x24", 24x18", 24x36", or 36x24") and orientation (landscape or portrait) will be determined depending on the data within your tree. You cannot choose a specific size or orientation for the Descendant Poster. You can choose to include 3 or 4 generations.

Getting Started!

First, go to the MyCanvas website's Ancestry Family History section and select the Ancestry Family Tree Poster tab.

Or visit the FamilySearch History section and select the FamilySearch Poster tab.

Select the poster type and the number of generations you want to show. Then click the blue "Continue" button.

Finally, select a family tree, a starting person, and a partner you want to include in the project. If you are creating a standard poster, selecting a spouse is optional. If creating a combination or Descendant poster, choose the starting person and their spouse. The name card will turn blue when selected. Then click "Preview your creation" in the lower right-hand corner to view your poster.

Clicking "Preview your creation" will open your poster in the editor. The data may take a few minutes to load. Once the content loads, you can preview and edit the poster before adding it to the cart.

We will send the project as you've created it, so please be sure you've checked for typos, correctness, and layout.

Video Tutorials

How to Create a Standard or Combination Ancestry Family Tree Poster

How to Create a Descendant Family Tree Poster

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