At myHSA we know executives sometimes find themselves navigating a demanding balancing act between professional responsibilities and personal well-being. For those seeking to be proactive about their health management, private health memberships offer an appealing solution.
Among the frontrunners in these services, we find prominent players like MEDCAN, Copeman, Truelife MD, Mayo Clinic, and Cleveland clinic just to name a few. The best part is - these memberships can be claimed using your Health Spending Account!
Private health memberships offer a solution to people who are under time constraints, by providing comprehensive packages that encompass a spectrum of healthcare services. For example: Annual health assessments, personalized lifestyle management programs, medical consultations, and specialized treatments—all bundled into one convenient membership.
We get asked pretty often: How do these memberships fare under the METC definition when it comes to HSA eligibility? The answer lies in the structure of the memberships themselves. The fees are usually paid in one block fee as a prepayment for the year - and since the services included with those fees are all typically eligible expenses, the block fees themselves are too. Here's what the METC outlines:
The way we adjudicate memberships is that if we look at the package and less than 10% of the package is ineligible, we consider it all eligible due to the 10% buffer that the CRA allows. However, if more than 10% of the membership could be ineligible (such as a large portion of the package including ineligible practitioners, gym memberships, vitamins, and nutrition services), we ask for a more detailed breakdown to explain what amounts go to eligible practitioners and services.
This makes getting a Private Medical Membership a win-win scenario for executives looking to invest in their health while optimizing tax benefits.
When you submit a claim for your Private Medical Membership, you can use the following account, category, and sub-category:
As always, if you have any questions, reach out to or start a live chat with us!