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Product Listings

A guide to Product Listings

Written by Linda
Updated over a year ago

Many of our users sell their products through a number of channels, and we realize that some of your products may have different details depending on the channel they are sold through. That's why the Product Listings section of Logiwa exists. From this page, you can see all the listings of a given product in one place.

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View Product Listings

To view your product listings, click on the Product Listings button under Settings.

If you haven't linked any sales channels, this section will be blank. If you have, you will see listings of your products across your channels.

Product Listings Creation

We match products based on their SKU across your sales channels. If products on these channels have the same SKU number, we automatically link them together and create listings.

If you have the same SKU numbers within one sales channel, the process is the same. We create only one product with reference to the SKU, and create listings for others.

Listings and Inventory

Unlike the products in your Logiwa inventory, listings do not represent the number of products you have in inventory. Thus, you may see many listings across all of your sales channels for one product, but the product itself only has one stock quantity.

Your Product Listings

You only have to do one thing to add product listings into Logiwa. When you integrate with your sales channels, we'll create the listings automatically!

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