The Report as Missing functionality is a solution to the picking discrepancies that may arise during daily operations. In Logiwa, rather than halting the picking process, this function can be used from the the Picking screens. In the event that a user is unable to locate a product at the designated task location, they can use this feature to report the issue, allowing for the necessary actions to be taken.
The "Missing" Damage Reason
The Missing damage reason is automatically generated for all accounts created in Logiwa.
It cannot be deactivated.
Inventory with this damage reason cannot be allocated, even if not specified by conditions in the allocation algorithm.
This damage reason will not appear in the Report as Damaged menu or when adding/changing inventory attributes. It will only be utilized by the system during Missing operations and will be removed from Inventory by Location and Mobile Transfer operations.
Reporting Missing Inventory
When a missing item is discovered during picking, click the 3-Dot menu at the bottom of the screen.
From the Report & Edit menu, select Report Missing Product.
Then, Report as Missing bottom sheet will pop-up. From here, you can:
View the current stock quantity.
See the source location/LP the system has for the item.
Use the Actual Qty field to add the physical quantity for the product that is available in this location/LP.
You will receive a confirmation message when the missing items have been successfully reported.
After Reporting "Missing"
Adjustments to inventory will affect the system in one of the following ways, discussed in-depth below:
If making a positive adjustment to the SKU total in this location:
Entered Qty is greater than the Actual Inventory Qty in this location.
Allocation will not be cancelled and the picking process can continue.
The transaction history can be tracked through the Inventory Adjustment screen.
If making a negative adjustment to the SKU total in this location:
Entered Qty is less than the Actual Inventory Qty in this location and Entered Qty is greater than the Allocated Inventory Qty in this location
Allocation will not be cancelled and the picking process can continue.
The transaction history can be tracked through the Inventory Adjustment screen.
If making a negative adjustment greater than the available quantity for the inventory:
SCENARIO 1: Create Back Order: Disabled and Allow Partial Shipment: Disabled in Shipment Order Type
SCENARIO 1: Create Back Order: Disabled and Allow Partial Shipment: Disabled in Shipment Order Type
This means we can only do Full Allocation
System tries reallocation first (based on the Allocation Algorithm rules)
If free inventory is found, the system will:
Adjust the inventory for this SKU in this location
Missing quantity will be listed as a separate inventory line
Damage Reason: Missing
Inventory Status: Stock
Reallocate from another inventory line
Continue with the picking process
If reallocation fails:
Cancel allocation for the order completely (all open tasks will be cancelled)
Exception 1: If there are products that are already picked, they will remain in the location/tote and their Inventory Status will become Stock (No connection with the order)
Exception 2: There might be other affected orders
SCENARIO 2: Create Back Order: Disabled and Allow Partial Shipment: Enabled in Shipment Order Type
SCENARIO 2: Create Back Order: Disabled and Allow Partial Shipment: Enabled in Shipment Order Type
This means we can manage orders in the Partial statuses and ship them partially
System tries reallocation first (based on the Allocation Algorithm rules)
If free inventory is found:
Adjust the inventory for this SKU in this location
Missing quantity will be listed as a separate inventory line
Damage Reason: Missing
Inventory Status: Stock
Reallocate from another inventory line
Continue with the picking process
If reallocation fails:
Picking tasks will be cancelled for the missing product
Once picking is completed for the other products, the order status will become Ready to Pack (P) → Partially Picked
The rest of the order should be okay to pick, pack, etc. partially and the order will be shipped partially
SCENARIO 3: Create Back Order: Enabled and Allow Partial Shipment: Disabled in Shipment Order Type
SCENARIO 3: Create Back Order: Enabled and Allow Partial Shipment: Disabled in Shipment Order Type
This means we can manage orders with Backorders where a backorder that contains shortage SKU will be created
System tries reallocation first (based on the Allocation Algorithm rules)
If free inventory is found:
Adjust the inventory for this SKU in this location
Missing quantity will be listed as a separate inventory line
Damage Reason: Missing
Inventory Status: Stock
Reallocate from another inventory line
Continue with the picking process
If reallocation fails:
Cancel picking tasks only for the missing product and create a backorder for these SO lines
The rest of the order should be okay to pick, pack, etc.
Missing Log Report
Visit the Missing Log screen to view the report on missing items.
Each available column is explained below:
Report Columns | Explanation |
SKU | SKU of the product that was reported as missing. |
Wave ID | Wave ID of the Job Code in which the product was reported as missing. |
Job Code | Job Code in which the product was reported as missing. |
Shipment Order Code | Shipment Order Code to which the missing product belongs. |
Product Name | Name of the product that was reported as missing. |
LPN | Source LPN of the picking task (can be null) |
Missing Pack Quantity | Shows the quantity that was reported as missing. |
Location | Source Location of the picking task |
Inventory Quantity | Quantity for this product that was shown in inventory. |
Entry Date | The date-time stamp when the user reported the product as missing. |
Entered By | User who reported the product as missing. |
Warehouse | Warehouse where the product was reported as missing. |
Client | Client of the product that was reported as missing. |
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