Putaway algorithm conditions are used to identify the inventory at source location which will be a subject of the transfer operation.
Inventory records that are validated by the defined putaway algorithm conditions will be processed by the defined putaway algorithm actions, for proposing a target location.
While adding conditions, Apply to All option can be used to apply the designed algorithm to all inventory records.
If Specify Condition option is selected, then below listed conditions can be added to the putaway algorithm:
Available Conditions
Conditions | Field Type | Description |
ABC Code | List | Product's ABC Code value |
Aisle | Free text | Aisle number of the source location |
Allocated Transfer Quantity | Number | Considers the allocated stock quantity of the transferred inventory |
Area Type | List | Area type of the source location |
Client | List | Client to which transferred inventory belongs to |
Column | Number | Column number of the source location |
Damage Reason | List | Transferred inventory's damage reason attribute |
Expiry Date | Date | Transferred inventory's expiry date attribute |
Height | Number | Height value of the source location |
Is Prevent Allocation | Logical | Refers to the source location's "is prevent allocation" parameter |
Is Receiving Process | Logical | Considers only post-receiving putaway actions, excludes directed putaway actions used in transfer module |
Length | Number | Length value of the source location |
Location | Free text | Source location's code |
Location Custom Field Date Picker 1-2-3 | Date | Source location's date custom fields |
Location Custom Field Dropdown 1-2 | List | Source location's dropdown custom fields |
Location Custom Field Text Box 1-2-3 | Free text | Source location's text custom fields |
Location Custom Field Toggle 1-2 | Logical | Source location's toggle (True/False) custom fields |
Location Group | List | Location group of the source location |
Location Type | List | Location type of the source location |
Location Zone | List | Location zone of the source location |
Lot Batch Number | Free text | Transferred inventory's lot batch number |
LP Carrier | List | A list of carriers to determine LPs that are created with a certain carrier label (packed). |
LP Type | List | LP Type of the source LP |
LP Type Custom Field Date Picker 1-2-3 | Date | Source LP's date custom fields |
LP Custom Field Dropdown 1-2 | List | Source LP's dropdown custom fields |
LP Custom Field Text Box 1-2-3 | Free text | Source LP's text custom fields |
LP Custom Field Toggle 1-2 | Logical | Source LP's toggle (True/False) custom fields |
Parent LP Based Transfer | Logical | Considers if the transfer operation will be based on a Parent LP |
Product Type Custom Field Date Picker 1-2-3 | Date | Transferred product's date custom fields |
Product Custom Field Dropdown 1-2 | List | Transferred product's dropdown custom fields |
Product Custom Field Text Box 1-2-3 | Free text | Transferred product's text custom fields |
Product Custom Field Toggle 1-2 | Logical | Transferred product's toggle (True/False) custom fields |
Product Group | List | Transferred product's selected product group |
Product Pack Type | List | Transferred product's pack type value |
Product Type | List | Transferred product's selected product type |
Production Date | Date | Transferred inventory's production date attribute |
Purchase Price | Number | Transferred product's purchase price value |
Receiving Date | Date | Transferred inventory's receiving date value |
Replenishment Type | List | Source location's replenishment type value (source or target) |
SKU | Free text | Product SKU code that is a subject of the transferred inventory |
Volume | Number | Source location's volume value |
Weight | Number | Transferred product's weight value |
Width | Number | Source location's width value |