We love hearing from our customers on the ways we can improve Neatoscan! When planning out new feature development, we reference the requests received from our customers. This article will outline how to request new features and how we prioritize them.
How to Request a Feature
In Neatoscan, at the top left of the screen, click Request A Feature. This will open our feature request website in your browser.
From the feature request website, add a title and description of the feature you think would be useful for Neatoscan.
Click Post when you are ready to upload your feature request.
If you aren't already logged in, you will be prompted to do so. Sign up or log in with Facebook, Google, GitHub, or Email.
How to Up-Vote and Leave Comments on Existing Feature Requests
If the feature you're looking to request already exists in our system, we'd love to hear your thoughts on it as well!
Up-Voting Feature Requests
When looking through pre-existing feature requests, you can up-vote them to help get the most important features addressed sooner. To do this, click the up arrow on the feature request card of your choice.
Commenting on Feature Requests
You can give additional feedback or add to an existing feature request idea by commenting on the request. To do this:
Click anywhere on the feature request card to open the feature request fully.
Add a comment in the Leave a comment box, then click Submit.
How Feature Requests Are Prioritized
There are a number of factors that are considered when it comes to prioritizing feature requests. Here are some of the factors we take into consideration when evaluating which features to work on next (not necessarily in this order):
Technical Complexity: How easy or hard it is to build out from a technical perspective and what else within our system would be impacted.
Timeline: How long it will take to build it out, and how much planning is required.
Impact: How many customers need/want it and how beneficial it would be to the workflow of our overall customer base.
Existing Workarounds: Does a workaround exist that fits the need? If so, a feature may be deprioritized in favor of others with no suitable workaround.
Our team typically has about one to two months of features planned out in advance. There is often some wiggle room where we can squeeze in smaller features of lower complexity, but we do try to plan out as far in advance as possible.
If you have any questions send us an email to support@neatoscan.com. Our support hours are between 8am-6pm CST, Monday to Friday.