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Multi-Channel Donor Engagement Templates
Updated over 4 months ago

Getting started with building a multi-channel fundraising campaign is critical to growing your individual donor fundraising program.

Remember, fundraising is about nurturing relationships with those who care about what YOU care about. In your fundraising appeals, try to focus on the impact a gift makes and how it improves life for those being served more than talking about your organization.

The templates included in this guide will offer cadence and language that can help you get started in sending consistent appeals. Remember, between each appeal you need to send communications that share with the donors the impact their gifts have made.

Don’t be afraid to share testimonials from program participants, volunteers, donors and board members, and be sure to include elements that reach beyond your mission to include education and inspiration related to your larger cause area as well. Donors want to know they can trust you to deliver on the mission.

Ongoing Communication with Your Supporters is Key

These templates can help you get started in sending effective, consistent appeals that nurturing your organization’s relationships with those who care about the issue or cause you dedicate your work to every day. Reach out to them with the confidence that you are offering something valuable – a way for them to have an impact.

In the templates below, please note that bolded text highlights indicate material you should add that is specific to your organization. Italicized text indicates existing merge tags that already exist within your Donor Management platform, and can automatically pull in information about your contacts to further personalize your communications.

General Appeal

Email #1

Subject line: *|First Name|*, you have the power to change a life today!

Hi *|First Name|*,

Thanks to many generous people just like you, {beneficiaries} {received} {mission impact} and {mission impact}.

Right now, we are raising money for {describe a program or project being launched soon} so that more {beneficiaries} can {program impact}.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you today *|First Name|*. You have the power to make {program} {adjective – like better, great, etc.}.

Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {about 10-15 days from Day 1 – Campaign end date}.

Your thoughtful gift on *|Last Gift Date|* shows how important {cause/problem} is to you. Thanks for stepping up.

I’m hoping, *|First Name|*, that you will, once again, make a gift to {action verb related to the mission – for example, “educate children,” “feed the hungry,” or “train adults with developmental disabilities”}.

You’ll have the joy of knowing that your donation will immediately change someone’s life and ensure that {program} will be the best yet!

With your gift of just {$ amount} you can create {impact of donation} for {beneficiaries}. Can they count on you today?

Thanks in advance,

{Name of Founder/ED/Board Chair}


P.S. For as little as {$amount} a day through a monthly contribution, you’ll {action verb + a beneficiary} and make a world of difference. Thanks in advance! {insert organization's website as a link here}

Social Post 1

Join me today in supporting {beneficiaries} with a donation to {program name}. The generous support from our community makes {program} possible. Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {about 10-15 days from Day 1 – Campaign End Date}. Thanks in advance for {impact of donation}! {insert organization's website as a link here}

Text 1

Please consider giving {$amount} to {program name} today to {impact of gift} for {beneficiaries}. Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {about 10-15 days from Day 1 – Campaign End Date} for {program description}. Thank you in advance for making a difference. We can’t do this important work without you! {insert organization's website as a link here}

Email 2

Subject line: Did I tell you about {Beneficiary’s name}?

Hello *|First Name|*,

I’m writing today to tell you about {Name of beneficiary}.

{One beneficiary’s story of need. [Use language that evokes emotions and empathy.]}

The truth is, {Name of beneficiary from story} is not alone. {Tell more about the problem you address.}

You have the power to change that.

In our {program name}, {beneficiary} {explain positive mission impact on beneficiary – include tangible and intangible change}.

Today you can help {beneficiaries impacted by the problem} like {beneficiary of story above}. That’s why I’m inviting generous people like you to pitch in.

Your contribution will {action verb + beneficiaries} and {action verb + beneficiaries}.

We need to raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End Date} to {how amount raised will impact program}.

As you reflect on the difference you want to make in the world, please remember {beneficiaries} need you!

Your gift of {Amount} will make an immediate difference! Can {beneficiaries} like {name from story} count on you today?

Thanks in advance,



P.S. Please consider making an automatic monthly donation to provide ongoing support for {program}. {insert organization's website as a link here}

Group Video Script

Hello! I’m {Name of speaker}, {relationship to organization} at {Organization Name}.

We can’t do this important work of {mission} without generous donors like you who care about {cause or beneficiaries}. You’ve shown you care, thank you!

I’m reaching out today to ask for your support once again for {beneficiaries} who are facing continued challenges. Our need to raise {Goal Amount} by {about 10-15 days from Day 1 – Campaign End Date}. Your generosity today will {impact of donation – think of tangible and intangible impact}.

Please donate today to support this important work. You may give online at {website} or text the word GIVE to {xxx-xxx-xxxx}. Thanks in advance for your generosity.

Social post 2

Join me today in supporting {beneficiaries} with a donation to {Organization Name}. Your generous support makes {mission services} possible. Raising {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End Date} will make an immediate impact on {beneficiaries}. Thanks in advance for making a difference! {insert organization's website as a link here}

Text 2

Please consider making a donation to support {beneficiaries} through the work of *|Organization Name|* today. Your gift will help raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End Date} to support {beneficiaries}. Together we can make a difference. Please join us! {insert organization's website as a link here}

Group Video Script 2

Hi, me again – {Name of speaker} from {Organization Name}.

Today I’d like to take a brief moment to tell you about {Name of beneficiary}. {Name of beneficiary} first came to {Organization Name} {with problem/need}. {He/she/they} felt {emotion like fear, discouragement, anger, frustration}. Because of generous donors, we were able to {services delivered}. Now {Name of beneficiary} {current situation as a result of mission impact}. But there are many more just like {Name of beneficiary} coming every day, looking for help.

We need to raise {Goal Amount} to {mission impact} for others like {Name of Beneficiary}. I hope that they can count on you today. Will you make a gift of {$amount} to support {mission/cause}? Thanks in advance for your generosity.

Email 3

Subject line: *|First Name|*, are you up to the challenge?

Hi *|First Name|*,

A few days ago, I shared the story of {Beneficiary’s name}.

While {Beneficiary’s name} has {impact of programs/services} and great progress has been made in {impact of organization’s programming in relation to the problem}, your support is key to solving {bigger problem – or same problem for more people}.

That’s why I need you, *|First Name|*, to make a gift today. We’re working to raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End-Date} to ensure that {Beneficiary} and others like {pronoun of beneficiary} can {verb + services offered}.

Your gift today will make a difference. With just {$ amount} a month, you can create {impact of donation}. Can they count on you today? {insert organization's website as a link here}

Thanks in advance,



P.S. For as little as {$amount} a day, you’ll {action verb + a beneficiary} and make a world of difference. Thanks in advance.

Direct Mail

Hi *|First Name|*,

Thanks to many generous donors like you, {beneficiaries} {received} {mission impact} and {mission impact}. But {problem faced that your program addresses}.

You have the power to change all of that. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today, *|First Name|*.

Given the many challenges {beneficiaries} face, *|Organization Name|* needs your support to {impact of a gift/mission} for {beneficiaries}.

Your thoughtful gift on *|Last Gift Date|* shows how important {cause/problem} is to you. Thanks for stepping up.

I’m hoping, *|First Name|*, that you will, once again, make a gift to {action verb related to the mission – for example, “educate children,” “feed the hungry,” or “train adults with developmental disabilities”}.

You’ll have the joy of knowing that your donation will immediately change someone’s life.

With your gift of just {$amount} you can create {impact of donation} for {name of beneficiary}.

{Beneficiary’s story of need. [Use language that evokes emotions and empathy.]}

The truth is, {tell more about the problem you address.}

You have the power to make that happen.

At *|Organization Name|*, {beneficiary} {explain positive mission impact on beneficiary – include tangible and intangible change}.

Your contribution will {action verb + beneficiaries} and {action verb + beneficiaries}.

That’s why I need you, *|First Name|*, to make a gift today.

We’re working to raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End Date} to {how amount raised will impact mission}.

As you reflect on the difference you want to make in the world, please remember {beneficiaries} need you!

Your gift of {Amount} will make an immediate difference! Can {beneficiaries} like {name from story} count on you today?

By making an online gift on our website {insert organization's website as a link here} or returning the enclosed envelope with your gift today, you will make a difference.

Thank you in advance,



P.S. With just {$amount} a month, you can create {impact of donation}. Visit {insert organization's website as a link here} to donate today.

Q1 Appeal for Lapsed Donors

Email 1

Subject line: *|First Name|*, how’s your year going so far?

Hi *|First Name|*,

I hope that your year has started on a positive note for you and your loved ones.

Thanks to many generous donors, last year {beneficiaries} {received} {mission impact} and {mission impact}.

However, this year brings continued challenges. {Problem faced that your mission addresses}.

You have the power to change all of that. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today, *|First Name|*.

*|Organization Name|* needs your support to {impact of a gift/mission} for {beneficiaries}. Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {10 days from Day 1 – Campaign end date}.

Your generous gift on *|Last Gift Date|* shows how important {cause/problem} is to you. Thanks for stepping up.

I’m hoping, *|First Name|*, that in this new year you will, once again, make a gift to {action verb related to the mission – for example, “educate children,” “feed the hungry,” or “train adults with developmental disabilities”}.

You’ll have the joy of knowing that your donation will be put to work—immediately changing someone’s life.

With your gift of just {$amount} you can create {impact of donation} for {beneficiaries}. Can they count on you today?

Thanks in advance,

{Name of Founder/ED/Board Chair}


P.S. For as little as {$amount} a day through a monthly contribution, you’ll {action verb + a beneficiary} and make a world of difference. Thanks in advance! {insert organization's website as a link here}

Email 2

Subject line: Did I tell you about {Beneficiary’s name}?

Hello *|First Name|*,

I’m writing today to tell you about {Name of beneficiary}.

{One beneficiary’s story of need. Use language that evokes emotions and empathy.}

The truth is, {Name of beneficiary from story} is not alone. {Tell more about the problem you address.}

You have the power to change that.

At *|Organization Name|*, {beneficiary} {explain positive mission impact on beneficiary – include tangible and intangible change}.

Today you can help {beneficiaries impacted by the problem} like {beneficiary of story above}. That’s why I’m inviting you to support {explain main mission} through a gift to *|Organization Name|*.

Your contribution will:

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

And if you set up an automatic monthly gift, you’ll make a huge impact on {cause} without impacting your budget. You can feel great about setting up this convenient monthly donation and providing a predictable base of support for {issue they care about OR beneficiaries of programs}.

As you reflect on the difference you want to make in the world this year, please remember {beneficiaries} need you!

We’re hoping to raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End Date} to {how amount raised will impact mission}.

Your gift of {Amount} will make an immediate difference! Can {beneficiaries} like {name from story} count on you today?

Thanks in advance,



P.S. Please consider making an automatic monthly donation to provide ongoing support for {beneficiaries}. {insert organization's website as a link here}

Group Video Script 1

Hello! I’m {Name of speaker}, {relationship to organization} at {organization name}.

We can’t do this important work of {mission} without the generosity of donors like you who care about {cause or beneficiaries}. You’ve shown you care, thank you! I’m reaching out today to ask for your support once again for {beneficiaries} who are facing challenges this year.

Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {10 days from Day 1 – Campaign End Date}. Your generous gift today will {impact of donation if you raise total amount – think of tangible and intangible impact}. Please donate today to support this important work.

Thanks in advance!

Email 3

Subject line: *|First Name|*, are you up to the challenge?

Hi *|First Name|*,

A few days ago, I shared the story of {Beneficiary’s name}.

While {Beneficiary’s name} has {impact of programs/services} and great progress has been made in {impact of organization’s programming in relation to the problem}, your support is key to solving {bigger problem – or same problem for more people}.

That’s why I need you, *|First Name|*, to make a gift today. We’re working to raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End‐Date} to ensure that {Beneficiary} and others like {pronoun of beneficiary} can {verb + services offered}.

You have the power to make a difference.

Your gift today will make a huge impact on {cause}. If you commit to an automatic monthly gift, you’ll have an ongoing impact without negatively impacting your monthly budget. You can {action verb} {beneficiaries} and feel great about setting up this convenient (and budget‐friendly) monthly donation, providing a predictable base of support for {issue they care about OR beneficiaries of programs}.

With just {$amount} a month, you can create {impact of donation}. Can they count on you today? {insert organization's website as a link here}

Thanks in advance,



P.S. For as little as {$Amount} a day, you’ll {action verb + a beneficiary} and make a world of difference. Thanks in advance.

Group Video Script 2

Hi, me again – {Name of speaker} from {Organization Name}.

Today I’d like to take a brief moment to tell you about {Name of beneficiary}.

{Name of beneficiary} first came to {Organization Name} {with problem/need}. {He/she/they} felt {emotion like fear, discouragement, anger, frustration}. Because of generous donors, we were able to {services delivered}.

Now {Name of beneficiary} {current situation as a result of mission impact}. But there are many more just like {Name of beneficiary} coming every day, looking for help. We have a goal to raise {Goal Amount} to {mission impact} for others like {Name of Beneficiary}. I hope that they can count on you today.

Will you make a gift of {$amount} to support {mission/cause}? Thanks in advance for your generosity.

Email 4

Subject Line: We did it!

Hi *|First Name|*,

Thanks to everyone who contributed these past few weeks, we’ve raised {$amount Raised in the campaign} to {mission impact}! Our goal is {Goal Amount} to keep us going strong.

You didn’t miss out! *|First Name|*, you still have time to contribute to {mission} and to ensure that {beneficiaries} {explain services – for example, “get the food,” “receive the dental care,” or “acquire the skills”} they need.

A {$small amount} gift today will be put to work immediately to {summarize services}.

Don’t miss out on making a difference for {beneficiaries} today! Can they count on you?

Thanks in advance,



P.S. Please consider an automatic monthly gift, which goes a long way to making a big difference. {insert organization's website as a link here}.

Subscription Giving


Email 1

Subject line: *|First Name|*, have you heard about {Beneficiary’s name}?

Dear *|First Name|*,

I’m writing to you today because you’ve kindly supported our efforts to {impact unacceptable issue related to your mission} in the past and I trust that you truly care – so I’d like to tell you about a {woman/man/person} I’ll call {Beneficiary’s name}.

{Tell beneficiary’s story. Use language that evokes emotions and empathy.}

{Data or information that shows the beneficiary is part of a larger cause}.

You have the power to change all of that.

Today you can help {beneficiaries impacted by the problem}. That’s why I’m inviting you to join our Subscription Giving program—a monthly giving program that {explain main mission}.

Your ongoing monthly contribution will:

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

By joining the Subscription Giving program, you will make a huge impact on {cause} without impacting your monthly budget.

You can feel great about setting up this convenient monthly donation and providing a predictable base of support for {issue they care about OR beneficiaries of programs}.

Become a Subscription Giver today and you’ll enjoy:

• The knowledge that your donation is put to work immediately

• Monthly updates on the difference your dollars are making

• Hassle-free automatic monthly donations from your credit card

• The ability to change or suspend your donations at any time

• Complete statements provided for tax purposes

• The joy of knowing that you’re changing someone’s life

As you reflect on the difference you want to make in the world, please remember {beneficiaries} need you!

With your gift of just {$amount} a month you will {impact of donation}.

Can {beneficiaries} count on you today?

Thanks in advance,



P.S. Every gift {difference/impact of gift} - whether a monthly commitment or a one-time gift.


Social Media

Do you believe {mission solution}? Are you fed up with the status quo? Are you looking for a way to confront injustices even when you’re exhausted for trying? Your subscription gift to {Organization Name} will do just that – without wreaking havoc on your budget. Join the Subscription Giving program. and know you’re standing up for what is right.


Text Message

Did you know you could make a BIG difference in the fight for {cause/mission} with a LITTLE monthly gift of {Amount}. Join a special community of Subscription Givers who are committed to {big picture impact/vision of gift}. Subscribe for GOOD here.


Video Script

Hello. I’m {Name} the {Title} from {Organization Name}. You are part of our community because you believe in {mission}. I’m reaching out today because I trust you care.

For too long, {explain cause you address}. At {Organization Name} we’re committed to confronting this issue head-on. That’s why I’m asking you today to become a subscription giver. Your monthly gift of {Amount} will ensure that our work continues consistently and effectively.

Please visit our website or text the word GIVE to {xxx-xxx-xxxx} to set up your monthly gift or one time donation today. Thank you.


Email 2

Subject line: *|First Name|* are you up to the challenge?

Hi *|First Name|*,

A few days ago, I shared the story of {Beneficiary’s name}.

While {Beneficiary’s name} has {impact of programs/services} and great progress has been made in {impact of organization’s programming in relation to the problem}, your support is key to solving {bigger problem}.

You have the power to make a difference.

You’ve been generous with your support in the past, and that’s why I’m inviting you to join the Subscription Giving program today.

Your ongoing monthly contribution will:

{action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

By joining the Subscription Giving program, you can make a huge impact on {cause} without negatively impacting your monthly budget.

You can {action verb} {beneficiaries} and feel great about setting up this convenient (and budget-friendly) monthly donation, providing a predictable base of support for {issue they care about OR beneficiaries of programs}.

With just {$amount} a month you can create {impact of donation}. Can I count on you today?

Thanks in advance,



P.S. For as little as {$Amount} a day, you’ll {action verb + a beneficiary} and make a world of difference. Thanks in advance. {insert organization's website as a link here}


Social Media

We can’t {problem to solve} overnight. Together we must act consistently, continuously, and consciously to confront the issue. Join a special community of Subscription Givers who are committed to {big picture impact/vision of gift} with a monthly donation today. Click HERE or text the word GIVE to {xxx-xx-xxxx} to support this important work today.


Text Message

We can’t {problem to solve} overnight. Together we must act consistently, continuously, and consciously to confront the issue. Join a special community of Subscription Givers who are committed to {big picture impact/vision of gift} with a monthly donation today. Click HERE or text the word GIVE to {xxx-xx-xxxx} to support this important work today.


Email 3

Subject line: Have you wondered how you make a difference?

Hi *|First Name|*,

Thanks to you and other generous supporters in our area, {beneficiaries} like {Beneficiary Name from story} have {impact of programs/services}.

The shocking truth is {statistic of bigger problem/crisis}.

You have the power to change all of that. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today.

I’m hoping that you’ll join the Subscription Giving program to {impact of gift}.

You know how subscriptions work. You probably have a few already – for entertainment, news, food or health care products. We live in a subscription world.

So, I’m asking you to subscribe for GOOD.

By joining the Subscription Giving program, your monthly support will:

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

• {action verb + beneficiaries}

Subscription Giving program members choose to make monthly gifts to *|Organization Name|*, providing a consistent, reliable resource to handle any situation.

And you’ll have the joy of knowing that your donation is put to work immediately, changing lives.

With your gift of just {$ amount} a month you can offer {emotional impact of donation}. Can I count on you today?

Thanks in advance,

{Name of Founder/ED/Board Chair}

P.S. For as little as {$amount} a day, you’ll {action verb + a beneficiary} and make a world of difference.

Day 10

Email 4

Subject line: *|First Name|*, do you have any really good subscriptions?

Dear *|First Name|*,

I’m reaching out again today – hoping that you’ll join the Subscription Giving program to {impact of gift}.

You know how subscriptions work. You probably have a few already – for entertainment, news, food or health care products. We live in a subscription world.

So, I’m asking you to subscribe for GOOD.

With a commitment to Subscription Giving, you’ll:

• {impact of gift}

• {impact of gift}

You can join a special community of Subscription Givers who are committed to {big picture impact/vision of gift}.

By becoming a Subscription Giver, *|First Name|*, you will make a huge impact on {cause} without negatively impacting your monthly budget.

Become a member today and you’ll enjoy:

• The confidence that your gift goes to work immediately – and keeps on giving

• Hassle-free automatic monthly donations from your credit card

• Monthly newsletters on the difference your dollars are making

• The ability to change or suspend your donations at any time

• Complete statements provided for tax purposes

We must continue to work {mission/cause}. We cannot allow injustice to go unnamed or unchallenged. We must offer care.

*|Organization Name|* was created because {your why: mission and purpose}. We remain committed to this cause—until every person is treated with the dignity they deserve.

But until then, we must offer care. Above all, we cannot turn away.

I long for the day when we can close our doors because our services are no longer needed. But until then, we must offer care.

Your monthly subscription gift of {Amount} will help us reach more people and encourage them to speak up.

Kind regards,



P.S. Join a special community of Subscription Givers who are committed to {big picture impact/vision of gift} with a monthly donation today. {insert organization's website as a link here}

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