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Help Articles
Search our collection of helpful written resources to get answers for your questions!
359 articles
Getting Help and Contacting Support
How do I activate my account and log in for the first time?
How do I log into my Network for Good account?
How do I reset my password?
Best Practices for Protecting Your User Credentials
Adding and Deactivating AdminsGive staff members, board members, or volunteers access to your software.
How do I view and manage my organization's Billing Information?
Common Disbursement Questions
Transaction Processing for Network for Good Products - FAQ
Bonterra Payments FAQ
How do I set up Bonterra Payments as my payment processor?
California Assembly Bill 488 (CA AB-488) and Impacts to EligibilityThis article explains the impact of CA AB-488 on nonprofits who no longer may be able to solicit, fundraise, or receive donations.
How do I use Google Pay or Apple Pay as a payment option?
Required Eligibility for Network for Good's Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)
How do I clarify why my organization did not receive our expected payout?
How do I set up PayPal/Venmo as a payment option?
Required Eligibility for Bonterra Payments
How Do I Guide My Donors in Making a Donation Through PayPal?
How do I guide my donors through using Double the Donation?
How do I set up the Double the Donation configuration?
Donor Management
Tips, tricks, and how-tos for your donor database.
Getting Started7 articles
Contacts and Contact Records20 articles
Donation and Transaction Records8 articles
Households5 articles
Importing and Exporting Data17 articles
Filtering and Reporting11 articles
Acknowledgements9 articles
Email Communications22 articles
Direct Mail Communications7 articles
Video Communications5 articles
Forms8 articles
Pledges8 articles
Text Messaging Capabilities6 articles
Year-End Fundraising Tools5 articles
Tasks3 articles
QuickBooks5 articles
Fundraising Pages
Learn how to access and use your fundraising pages account and build beautiful online campaign pages
Personal Fundraising Coaching 101Common questions about your relationship with your Personal Fundraising Coach.
Personal Fundraising Coach LibraryGet more out of your Personal Fundraising Coach relationship with these helpful resources.
Fundraising Planning and CampaignsDetermine your own fundraising goals and learn how to leverage your campaigns through these helpful resources.9 articles
Donor CultivationReview the fundamentals of donor cultivation and learn new tactics for building donor relationships here.3 articles
Events and AuctionsLearn how to maximize your outreach and engagement through these helpful tools.2 articles
Board EngagementLearn more about how to inspire and motivate your board members here. 2 articles
Planned GivingStart here if you're looking to approach donors about the benefits of planned giving.3 articles
Additional ResourcesWe've collected several additional helpful resources on fundraising, which can be found here.5 articles
Network for Good and Walmart's Spark Good Round Up Program
Data Security & Privacy - FAQ
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Impacts - FAQ
Bonterra Invoice Payment Portal GuideA Bonterra client resource guide related to making payments and managing invoices with Bonterra
How to Submit Product Feedback Using the Ideas PortalHave a suggestion on how to improve our products? Interested in what we're planning next? The Ideas Portal is the best way to do both!