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Exporting Historic Data from eTapestry

Quick instructions on how to export contact and donation records from eTapestry

Updated over a week ago

The Imports Team strongly recommends that you export or download all data from your former donor management system, whether or not you ultimately decide to send your files to them for assistance in the importing process. This allows you to have a complete archive of your former system, in the event that a field is overlooked during the import process.

In order to export your data from eTapestry, you will need to have enough competence with eTapestry to use both the Query and Report functions as you’ll need to a) build queries and b) load those queries using reports in order to download the data to CSV files.

In this guide, we outline exporting the following types of information, which are the most commonly used modules in eTapestry:

  • Accounts, which includes basic contact information

  • Journal, which includes all transactions (such as donations) as well as contact notes and activities

Exports should be saved as CSV files. For each different type of export, we have provided general instructions and field lists.

It is very important to note that no matter what fields you choose to pull in you always have the Account Number, so we can link the contacts between the files as well as reduce duplicates. 

Feel free to include any of the custom fields you may have created to track information when you go through each export. Remember, Account = Contacts and Journal = Giving History.


  • To begin, create a new Query.

  • Under "Starting Criteria", select the Base category.

  • Make sure that "All Accounts" is selected for "Query".

  • Under "Data Return Type", ensure that "Accounts" is selected

  • For "Criteria", select "Account Created Date > Custom Range", and enter a range from the earliest date that you began using eTapestry, to today's date.

  • Save your Query.

  • Create a new Report and select the following fields:

  1. Account Number

  2. Account Name (sometimes eTapestry will put your organization's name here!)

  3. Account Type

  4. Persona Type

  5. Primary Persona

  6. Role

  7. Name Format (business/individual/family, etc.)

  8. Prefix

  9. First Name

  10. Middle Name

  11. Last Name

  12. Suffix

  13. Company Name and/or Organization Name

  14. Short Salutation

  15. Long Salutation

  16. Address

  17. City

  18. State

  19. Postal Code

  20. Email

  21. Phone - Fax

  22. Phone - Mobile

  23. Phone - Pager

  24. Phone - Voice

NOTE: eTapestry may give you a warning regarding exporting this many columns into a PDF file. You can ignore this warning, because you will be exporting to into a CSV file instead.

  • Save this report, and then run the report with the Query that you saved in the previous steps.

  • Download the report as an Excel document (CSV).

Please note that the results may take several minutes to download, depending on the amount of data that you have.


  • To begin, create a new Query.

  • Under 'Starting Criteria", select the "Base" category.

  • Make sure that "All Journal Entries" is selected for "Query".

  • Under "Data Return Type", ensure that "Journal Entries" is selected.

  • For "Criteria", select "Journal Entry Date > Custom Range", and enter a range from the earliest date that you began using eTapestry, to today's date.

  • Save your Query.

  • Create a new Report and select the following fields:

  1. Account Number

  2. Account Name

  3. Date

  4. Received

  5. Fund

  6. Approach

  7. Campaign

  8. Gift Type

  9. Check Number

  10. Credit Card Type

  11. Note

  12. Gift Number

  13. Fair Market Value

For reports including Pledges, please include these additional fields:

  1. Pledges

  2. Pledge Payoff Date

  3. Original Pledge Outstanding Balance

  4. Pledge Payment Frequency (or Frequency)

  5. Pledge Write-Off Amount

For reports including Soft Credits, please include this additional field:

  1. Linked soft credit account name

  • Save this report, and then run the report with the Query that you saved in the previous steps.

  • Download the report as an Excel document (CSV).

Please note that the results may take several minutes to download, depending on the amount of data that you have.

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