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Exporting Historic Data from Bloomerang

Learn how to get all of your contacts, donors, and donations transferred over to us.

Updated over a week ago

The Data Imports Team strongly recommends that you export or download all data from your former donor management system, whether or not you ultimately decide to send your files to the team for assistance in the importing process. This allows you to have a complete archive of your former system, in the event that a field is overlooked during the import process.


To start the export process, go to the "Organization Settings" page.

Next, click on the option for "Settings," then select "View All Settings."

Then, click "Edit" on the "Organization" tile. This should bring you to the "Database Export" pane, where you can then click on "Create New Export."

This will then generate an export (which may take a few minutes); when ready, you'll see a "Download" button appear, that you can then click.

Not seeing a "download" button? You can press the F5 button on your keyboard to check and see if the export has been completed.

Types of Data Exported

This export will take the majority of your data within Bloomerang, and place it into a downloadable .zip file. However, some things are not included, such as email and letter templates (and their data),and engagement scores.

You'll notice the download is in a "zip" file. Inside are .CSV files for each data type:

  • Accounts

  • Addresses

  • Appeals

  • Campaigns

  • Custom Fields

  • Donations

  • Email interests

  • Emails (email addresses)

  • Funds

  • Households

  • Interactions

  • Notes (notes on constituent timelines)

  • Phones (phone numbers)

  • Pledge payments

  • Pledges

  • Processing info (transaction data)

  • Recurring donation payments

  • Recurring donations

  • Refunds

  • Relationship roles

  • Relationships

  • Soft credits

  • Tasks

  • Transaction processor accounts

  • Tributes

  • Users

  • Wallet items (credit card data)

Missing or Odd Data

You might notice that some information added through conversions, imports, forms, or the API are not fully complete in this export. You may see some of the following blank fields:

  • Envelope name

  • Formal name

  • Informal name

  • Recognition name

  • Sort name (only conversions, forms, and API)

  • Country for addresses or phone numbers

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