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Exporting Historic Data from Little Green Light

Learn how to get a comprehensive export of your database for import to Donor Management.

Updated over a week ago

The Data Imports team strongly recommends that you export or download all data from your former donor management system, whether or not you ultimately decide to send your files to the team for assistance in the importing process. This allows you to have a complete archive of your former system, in the event that a field is overlooked during the import process.

With Little Green Light, you can create a comprehensive export of all your information with the click of one button. 

To start, you will first need to login to your Little Green Light database. You can then follow these steps:

  1. Click "Home."

  2. Click "Reports."

  3. Click the "Comprehensive Export" tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

  4. Click the "Generate new comprehensive export" button that appears on the right side of the screen.

That's it! This will export all of your information directly out of Little Green Light and place it into a "zip" file for you. 

You can then send all of the .CSV files that download into that zip file directly to us as-is, without any additional cleanup!

If you do decide to clean up those files, please be aware that within the zip file you will see two different folders. Our team will use the "Full Archive" file, not the "Summary" file - so any changes you'll want to make, you'll want to do so in that "Full Archive" file.

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