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Advanced Email Blasts - FAQ
Updated over a week ago

How can I wrap text around images in an email blast?

You’ll first want to drag a “two-block” row from the “Rows” tab on the right-hand side of your screen into your email blast draft.

You’ll then want to add your image to one of the two blocks, and the corresponding text to the other block.

Next, you’ll add a “single text block” row below that “two block” row, and add any excess text into that single text block.

Finally, you’ll want to adjust your “margin” and “padding” for those text blocks by clicking directly on each of those rows you’ve just created, and lining up the text nicely with the text above.

How can I adjust the size of an image in an email blast?

We've got a quick, step-by-step video on how to do just that here!

Can I share an email blast to recipients outside of my Donor Management contacts?

Yes! Once an email blast has been sent, you should be able to click on the “Actions” button next to the email blast’s title. From the drop-down menu options, you can click the option to “Share,” and a pop-up should appear.

You can then use the clipboard icon next to that URL to copy the link to your email blast to your device’s clipboard.

Then, you can paste that link into your organization’s social media – or link to it on your website – so that anyone who clicks that link can see it!

What if I need to correct a mistake in an email blast I’ve sent?

If you are looking to correct and re-send an email blast you’ve already created, you have a couple of options, depending on what you’re looking to correct.

Please note, there is no way to “un-send” or “recall” an email blast that’s been sent – only ways to correct the information after the fact.

In your Donor Management System, click on the “Communication” tab, and then select “Email Blasts.”

If you are looking to take the existing email blast that you sent and edit or correct some of the information within, you can click on the “Actions” button next to the email blast in question, and then select the option to “Duplicate.”

If you are looking to send a brand-new email blast to the same audience, notifying them of the error, you’ll want to click on “Add Email Blast” and follow the steps to create a brand-new email.

You may see an option to “resend” the email, depending on when you initially sent the original email blast to your recipients. This option is only available for a limited time frame after an email blast has been sent, so we recommend using the “Duplicate” action instead for these types of “oops!” email corrections.

You’ll then want to carefully review each step to ensure that you’ve corrected the email in all of the necessary locations (such as the body of the email in the “Build” step, or the email’s subject line in the “Setup” step).

You’ll want to title the email something that clearly indicates there was an error – something like “OOPS! Updated link for *Name of Original Email*”, or “CORRECTION: Update on *Name of Original Email*”.

Once you are confident that you’ve made all of the necessary corrections, you can send the email blast out with the updated information at your earliest convenience!

Can I re-send an email blast to recipients who haven’t opened it yet?

You can! You have a couple of options to do so, depending on when you’re looking to re-send that message.

If you are resending a message 24-72 hours after the initial message is sent, follow these steps:

First, click on "Email Blasts" in the left navigation panel and locate the email you would like to resend.

Under the Actions dropdown, choose "Resend."

A box will pop-up confirming that you would like to resend the email. Click "Yes, Resend Now."

That's it! Your email has been sent to all recipients of the original email that have not opened it yet.

If you are resending the email after the 24-72 hour period, follow these steps:

Click on "Email Blasts" in the left navigation panel and locate the email you would like to resend. Under the Actions dropdown, choose "View Results."

Under Create Group in the top right corner, click "Not Opened."

You will be directed to the Contact Groups page and will see a green message at the top of the screen that confirms your new contact group has been created from the unopened recipients. Locate this new Group and under Actions choose "Send Email."

On the next page give your new email a name, and then click on the toggle 'Use a previously sent email or saved template'. Under the first dropdown choose the original email that you created the contact group from, and then click "Next."

You'll then be taken through the normal process of reviewing the email content. When you reach the "Setup" step, we recommend giving the email a new subject line to differentiate between your original send and grab your recipients attention.

When you get to the "Recipients" step, you'll notice that the new contact group you created of the non-openers is already selected. Just press "Next" to continue.

After you've reviewed all of the details just press "Send Now" to send it off!

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