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Syncing Donor Management and Fundraising Pages Data
Syncing Donor Management and Fundraising Pages Data

How Donor Management and Fundraising Pages Sync Donation Data

Updated over a week ago

How does the syncing process between Donor Management and Fundraising Pages work?

There are two basic elements to the sync between Donor Management and Fundraising Pages: 

  • Every online donation is visible in both Donor Management and Fundraising Pages.
    All online donations made through Fundraising Pages will be visible in both Fundraising Pages and Donor Management. This means that you'll be able to run reports or filters on these gifts in both locations, depending on what information you're looking to report on.  

    When viewing your donations or campaigns in Donor Management, online gifts will appear with an “online” tag next to them - that way, you know these gifts synced from one of your Fundraising Pages.

  • Manually entered offline donations are visible in Donor Management and, when attached to a specific campaign, on that campaign’s Fundraising Page  
    Manually entered offline donations, such as cash or check donations, can be attached (or "assigned") to a campaign that has a corresponding Fundraising Page. (You can easily identify these by looking for the tag next to the campaign that says "Everyday Giving, "Essential Events," etc.) Doing so will then make that donation visible in Fundraising Pages, as well as count that donation towards the total goal on that Fundraising Page and reflect that donation on the donor scroll (if applicable).

    We recommend adding all offline donations that are associated with a campaign in Donor Management, so that the sync can automatically push the data over to the campaign's Fundraising Page. If a manually entered offline donation isn't attached to a campaign, it won't sync over - this is because Donor Management won't know what campaign to assign it to.

    The only instance where you may need to enter the offline donation in Fundraising Pages (and not Donor Management) is if you’d like for an offline donation to appear on a specific Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser’s individual page.  

How will offline gifts entered in Donor Management appear to my donors on Fundraising Pages?

When a donor views your Fundraising Page, offline gifts will look exactly the same as online gifts.  By default, offline gifts will appear on the donor scroll as anonymous and with a zero dollar amount - but the amount will be still be included on the page’s donation thermometer, if applicable.

However, if you’d like for the donor’s name and gift amount to appear, you can edit that information in the "Details" section of the donation record in Donor Management.

How can I tell if a gift was made online or offline within Donor Management? 

In the "Giving" tab within Donor Management, online donations from your Fundraising Pages will appear with a tag that says “online”.  

What happens if I delete an offline donation?

If you delete an offline donation in either Fundraising Pages or Donor Management, it will be removed from both locations.

Can I delete an online donation?

Online donations can't be deleted - but they can be refunded, and marked as such. If you need an online donation refunded, you can contact our Support team for assistance with that process.

Can I delete a donor record in Donor Management?

You can delete a donor record in Donor Management, but doing so will delete all of the offline gifts and donations that are associated with that record from both Donor Management and Fundraising Pages. This means that the record of any offline donations made by that donor will no longer be listed within your platform.

Online donations will also be deleted from Donor Management when deleting a donor record - but they won't be removed from Fundraising Pages. If those donations haven't been refunded (or marked as refunded), they'll still reflect as donations that are part of the campaign where the donation was made.

Will pledges entered in Donor Management reflect on Fundraising Pages?

Pledges only appear within Donor Management - this is because Fundraising Pages holds records of all completed transactions, and pledges are more like "promises" to make donations. Once a contribution to a pledge has been completed, it will appear within Fundraising Pages as a donation - but not before.

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