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All CollectionsWhat's New2024 - Release Notes
Release Notes - February 23, 2024
Release Notes - February 23, 2024
Updated over a week ago

New Everyday Giving Page Layout!

We've added a new layout option for your Everyday Giving pages - in addition to our "Donation Form Focused" template and "High Impact Story" template, you can now select our "Enhanced Classic" template for a fresh, new look to your new or existing pages!

In addition to looking both modern and simplistic, our new "Enhanced Classic" layout offers additional customization, such as a "light" or "dark" mode.

These flexible pages also feature no specific dimensions for images, so you can include any size photo that you'd like!

For more information on the layouts available within our Everyday Giving Pages, please click here.

"Partial Search" Updates Now Available within Donor Management!

We've updated our Quick Search and Contact Search tools within Donor Management so that you can now search by a partial name, address, or city!

Instead of requiring our customers to search by a full name or address, you can now search for information with just a small section of that field - such as the first few letters of a name with unique spelling, or just the first part of a mailing address.

This update comes as an addition to a previous release, which provided this "partial search" capability to email addresses and phone numbers.

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