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How to Choose an Everyday Giving Page Template
How to Choose an Everyday Giving Page Template
Updated over a week ago

Not sure what template to use with your Everyday Giving Page? Whether you're trying to figure out how to share a moving story with your donors, or you've already convinced your donors to give and they're just looking for where to contribute, there's a template that will work best for the message you're trying to convey on that page.

We've broken down the three template options below, and included some additional guidance on how to switch back and forth between those template options for your Everyday Giving page.

Donation Form-Focused Template 

The "Donation Form-Focused" template should be used when you've already convinced your donors to give and they are ready to enter their payment information. In most cases, your donors don't need convincing to contribute, and are aware of whom (or what) your organization serves in the community.  

Similar to the High-Impact story template, you can include text or a story on this page - but this form more prominently displays the actual donation processing aspect of your page, since these donors have likely already decided to give and are ready to proceed.

High-Impact Story Template

The "High-Impact Story" template is a great option for when you have a specific campaign that features the story of an individual client, project, or initiative. These types of pages can help tug at your potential donors' heartstrings by highlighting an engaging story that (hopefully) will motivate donors to give.

This type of template can also be used for more general campaigns, too! Instead of highlighting an individual story or mission, you can instead highlight your organization's story and include some individuals or programs at the same time.

This template's donation processing aspect of the page isn't displayed as prominently as the other template, but it will pop up as soon as your donors hit that big, visible "donate" button. This gives you the opportunity to focus the donor's attention on your main image, your mission, and the story you've chosen to share.

This template also tends to work well when you send out an email appeal that includes an individual's impact story. The Everyday Giving page for that associated campaign should match your email appeal's materials: the page should feature a photo of the same client you mentioned in your email message, and it should have language and a story that matches the call to action from the appeal.

Enhanced Classic Template

The "Enhanced Classic" template is our newest, most streamlined option for your page's layout, and is designed to work with any campaign type you might have in mind. The page combines the "pop-out" donation processing of the High-Impact Story template with the ability to highlight or emphasize whatever might be most beneficial to your campaign.

For example, you might want to include a video in the "body" of the page, or include important information about your organization that might not quite align with the design of our "Donation Form Focused" template. The Enhanced Classic option makes it easy for your donors to find and focus on those highlighted elements, and still be able to clearly see where (and how) to donate.

This template comes with a "left" and "right" option, indicating on which half of the page the donation form will be located. Enhanced Classic pages also have a "light" and "dark" option, which helps make that donation form appear more prominently on your page for easier visibility.

How to Edit Templates

Looking to change the template for an Everyday Giving page? You can do so easily from the page's Dashboard, once you've completed the rest of the page setup process.

From the page's Dashboard, you can click on the "Actions" button in the top-right corner, and select the "Edit" option from the dropdown options.

Once the page reloads, you'll want to look for the section titled "Project Template Selection," where you'll be able to select which template you'd like to use.

On this page, you can also choose if you're like to have the donation processing aspect placed to the left, right, or center of the screen - as well as if you'd like that donation form to have a light or dark background.

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