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Release Notes - May 24, 2024
Updated over a week ago

Set Up and Manage Multiple Custom "From" Email Addresses Directly in Donor Management

Admins within Donor Management now have the ability to set up and verify your own email domain in order to send email blasts - meaning you can now set up multiple "Senders" for use when communicating with your donors!

Admins can now set up, from the "Settings" tab, the ability for multiple email addresses to be added and verified; for example, you can now have your campaign appeals come "from" your development director's email, while emails about an upcoming event can come "from" your events coordinator.

This change can help provide clarity to your contacts as to whom they should reach out to, and provide familiarity by including names or emails that they might recognize.

When setting up an Email Blast, you'll simply want to select the desired Sender from the drop-down list under the "from email address" field.

Please note that only one verified domain is still allowed per organization, and all Senders' emails must utilize that verified domain.

For more information on verifying domains for use with Email Blasts, click here.

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