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Release Notes - May 2022
Updated over 8 months ago

Updated “Fundraising Goal Bar” Now Available on Essential Events Pages

We’ve updated the "Fundraising Goal Bar” (formerly known as the “Donation Goal Bar”) to include not only donations made towards your Essential Event, but ticket purchases and sponsorship purchases as well! You can now track all associated revenue with your event more easily and provide a more cohesive public goal for your participants to see in real-time!

Once you’ve completed setting up your Essential Event, you can edit your Event and select which revenues you’d like to be included within that Fundraising Goal.

Added the Ability to Delete Offline Ticket and Sponsorship Purchases

Did you accidentally add a ticket or sponsorship you didn’t mean to on your Essential Events page? Not to worry – you now can remove those offline transactions yourself! By searching for your participant under the “People” tab in Fundraising Pages, you can click on the “Actions” button next to the transaction in question, and select the option to “Delete” to remove it from your system.

NOTE: This action is only available for “offline” transactions that were not processed through Bonterra’s Fundraising Pages. For help removing a transaction made using a credit or debit card, please contact the Network for Good Solutions Team.

Additional Improvements and Updates to our Essential Events Pages

We’ve made several internal improvements to our Essential Events pages to make sure your upcoming event runs as smoothly as possible, and will continue to improve as we learn more about your events-related needs!

We’ve improved the goal bar to ensure that offline transactions are included within your Fundraising Goal; added a “reminder” to make sure your event isn’t set to happen in the past; making sure that tickets using promo codes are reflected accurately across all platforms; and making improvements to the mobile version of your Events page.

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