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Planned Giving 101: Engagement Templates
Updated over 4 months ago

Creating a "Planned Giving" program and the subsequent communications that support it can be a challenge for many smaller or mid-size nonprofits.

This engagement series and the samples included are meant to provide resources and to encourage you to make planned gifts part of your fundraising strategy.

In the templates below, italicized text indicates material that is specific to your organization that you should add into your engagement materials. Bolded text indicates a merge tag that you can use to automatically "pull in" existing data from your Donor Management software.

Email 1: Non-donors

SUBJECT LINE: *|First Name|*, what matters most to you?

Hi *|First Name|*,

I’ve heard friends and colleagues share how continued natural disasters, social crisis and economic uncertainty has compelled them to take a personal inventory. They’re asking themselves what matters most and what they can do today to reflect their values, even as they care for and protect their loved ones.

I’m writing today to share simple ways you can show you care about {short phrase statement of your organization’s mission}, without affecting your current finances.

I realized that *|Organization name|* has been able to adapt and thrive today, because generous supporters in years past have asked themselves similar questions and had the foresight to make gifts to help sustain and secure our future through a planned legacy gift.

Legacy planning can help both your family and *|Organization name|* without the need to use current assets. Many of our donors have elected to make a legacy gift through a bequest by will.

For language which you can use in your will please visit our website {link to page where bequest language and planned giving overview are located}. While there, you can also learn about other ways to make a legacy gift.

Kind regards,



P.S. One simple sentence in your will can make a lifetime of difference. To learn more about other opportunities to make a lasting impact please visit {website}.

Email 2: Non-donors

Subject line: *|First Name|*, do you like choices?

Dear *|First Name|*,

I’m writing to you today to offer an opportunity for you to do something important…

Have you been asking yourself what matters most and what you can do today to reflect your values?

Have you wondered how you can help in a world where there is so much need?

Every day I have folks asking how they can help. So, I've made a list of ways that you can help us make a difference.

  • Volunteer. Contact {Name} at {email address} to learn more. There's lots to be done!

  • Spread the word. Take a selfie, post on social, tag friends.

  • Make a one-time gift - by check or online through our website {website}. Every dollar makes a difference!

  • Become a subscription giver with a monthly automatically recurring gift. Set up a recurring gift here {website}.

  • Donate a non-cash gift: Consider giving from your IRA, transfer stock, or give from a donor advised fund.

  • Create a legacy: Join the many people, from ages 18 to 80, who have included us in their Will. You can support {mission} forever without paying a cent today, with a planned gift—an easy way to protect the people and causes you care about the most.

*|Organization name|* has adapted to changing times and thrives today because generous supporters have had the foresight to make gifts to secure and sustain our work.

If you’re looking to leave a legacy and make an impact, let’s chat.

I’m no lawyer and I won’t tell you what to do, but I can share what your gift would do for {mission/cause}.

I can be reached at {email address} and {xxx-xx-xxxx} with any questions you might have.

Take care,



P.S. One simple sentence in your will can make a lifetime of difference. To learn more about other opportunities to make a lasting impact please visit {website}.

Email 1: Donors

Subject line: *|First Name|*, you’ve encouraged me...

Hi *|First Name|*,

Thank you for being an exceptional and committed supporter of {mission or beneficiaries}. When I think about all the good you’ve done through your generosity, I am grateful and inspired.

I am deeply grateful for all you make possible through your generosity, and for being an important and valued member of the *|Organization Name|* community.

I’m writing today because I’d like to introduce you to simple ways to show you care about {mission/beneficiaries}, without affecting your current finances.

I’ve seen so much generosity from those asking how they can help.

I’ve heard friends and colleagues share how continued natural disasters, social crisis and economic uncertainty has compelled them to take a personal inventory. They’re asking themselves what matters most and what they can do today to reflect their values.

I realized that *|Organization name|* has been able to adapt and thrive today, because generous supporters in years past have asked themselves similar questions and had the foresight to make gifts to help sustain and secure our future through a legacy gift.

Legacy planning can help both your family and *|Organization name|* without the need to use current assets. Many of our donors have elected to make a legacy gift through a bequest by will. One sentence in your will can make a lifetime of difference to those we serve.

For language which you can use in your will, please visit our website {link to page where bequest language and planned giving overview are located}. While there, you can also learn about other ways to make a lasting legacy gift.

Kind regards,



P.S. One simple sentence in your will can make a lifetime of difference. To learn more about other opportunities to make a lasting impact please visit {website}.

Email 2: Donors

Subject line: Got any plans, *|First Name|*?

Hi *|First Name|*,

Last week I came across a posting on social media that made me stop to think. It went something like this,

“When asked where you saw yourself in five years, did it look anything like today?”

Planning, even in the best of times, can be tough. Planning for years from now can feel a bit impossible.

Preparing your will is a great way to plan ahead, to protect your family, and to have a lasting impact on a cause you care about.

Knowing how much you care about {mission}, I thought you might be interested in learning more about making a planned gift to *|Organization Name|*.

In a few simple steps you can protect your loved ones and ensure that the causes you hold close to your heart, are provided for in the future.

Last week, I shared a link to resources on our website {link to resources} that can help you plan for what matters most to you. Were you able to look at the materials?

Leaving a gift in your will may feel like a big step. I’m happy to hop on a call to answer questions—or to chat about whatever’s on your mind. Do you have a time that would work best for me to reach out? Please let me know.

Thanks for your personal and financial investments in {mission/cause} and to *|Organization Name|*— we appreciate you, we need you, and we care about you.

Stay well,



P.S. I know that cash donations might not be right for you right now but creating a legacy gift in your will is a powerful commitment to support {mission} for generations to come.

Email 3: Donors

Subject line: *|First Name|*, do you like choices?

Dear *|First Name|*,

I’m writing to you today to offer an opportunity for you to do something important…

Have you been asking yourself what matters most and what you can do today to reflect your values? Have you wondered how you can help in a world where there is so much need.

Every day I have folks asking how they can help. So, I made a list of ways you can help:

  • Volunteer. Contact {Name} at {email address} to learn more. There's lots to be done!

  • Spread the word. Take a selfie, post on social, tag friends.

  • Make a one-time gift - by check or online through our website {website}. Every dollar makes a difference!

  • Become a subscription giver with a monthly automatically recurring gift. Set up a recurring gift here {website}.

  • Donate a non-cash gift: Consider giving from your IRA, transfer stock, or give from a donor advised fund.

  • Create a legacy: Join the many people, from ages 18 to 80, who have included us in their Will. You can support {mission} forever without paying a cent today, with a planned gift—an easy way to protect the people and causes you care about the most.

*|Organization name|* has adapted to changing times and thrives today because generous supporters like you have had the foresight to make gifts to secure and sustain our work.

If you’re looking to leave a legacy and make an impact, let’s chat. I’m no lawyer and I won’t tell you what to do but I can share what your gift would do for {mission/cause}.

I can be reached at {email address} and {xxx-xx-xxxx}.

Take care,



P.S. One simple sentence in your will can make a lifetime of difference. To learn more about other opportunities to make a lasting impact please visit {website}.

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