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Planned Giving 101: Sample Documents
Updated over 4 months ago

Please note - In the templates below, bold, italicized text indicates organization-specific material that you should add, to ensure that your templates reflect your organization..

General Planning Giving Request Example

Ways to Include an Organization in your Will or Trust

You can guarantee that your voice will carry on by naming {Organization Name} as a beneficiary of the following:

Bequest through your will or trust to {Organization Name}:

  • Specific Dollar Amount

  • Specific percentage of your estate

  • Specific percentage of your residuary estate (the amount or percentage that is left after all other bequests and expenses have been fulfilled)

{Organization Name} is a beneficiary of all or a portion of:

  • A life insurance policy

  • A financial intuition (bank, CD, brokerage) account

  • A retirement account

Your attorney may wish to use the following language when making a bequest:

"I give, devise, and bequeath {Organization Name}, a nonprofit organization with the federal tax id {insert ID #}, located at {Full address}, the sum of $_______ (or describe the real or personal property or portion of the estate) to be used for general purposes.”

As with any decision involving your assets, we recommend that you seek the advice of your attorney when considering a planned gift.

Thank you again for your generosity and support of our organization {Organization Name}, and our ongoing mission to {mission statement} .

Planned Giving Society Sample

An Invitation to Join {Organization Name}'s {Society Name}

The {Organization Name} has created the {Society Name} to promote and recognize all donors who have placed {Organization Name} in their will or estate plan. Unless otherwise specified, gifts to the {Society Name} will be directed to support critical programs and services. {Society Name} members will be recognized in the following ways:

  • Permanent recognition on a plaque

  • {Organization Name} {Society Name} Certificate

  • Listing in the {Organization Name} Annual Report and other communications

For record keeping and planning purposes we ask that members complete the information below and return it in the enclosed envelope.

□ I/we would like to be recognized in the {Society Name}.

□ I/we would like to remain anonymous.

□ I/we would like the gift to be unrestricted.

□ I/we would like to designate the gift for _____________________________________

Please indicate the type of gift:

□ codicil in will/trust

□ charitable annuity or trust

□ IRA beneficiary designation

□ Life Insurance

□ Other _____________________


Address_________________________________City____________State_____ Zip_______


Optional Information:

Please indicate the approximate value:

$______________or % of estate _____________

For questions or more information about planned giving at {Organization Name}, please contact {Name} at {xxx-xxx-xxxx}, or by email at {Email Address}.

Thank you for planning for {Organization Name}’s future!

Planned Gift Intention Form Sample

Planned Gift Intention Form

If you wish to inform {Organization Name} of your non-binding, revocable intention to leave a planned gift, please complete the following:


Date of Birth____________________________

Address_________________________________City____________State_____ Zip_______

Email Address_____________________________________


□ Yes, you may contact my attorney to receive a complete copy of my will and/or trust

Attorney Name____________________________________

Attorney Phone____________________________________

Attorney Email Address____________________________________

Please describe and/or attach the relevant document(s) describing your planned gift benefiting {Organization Name}.

Please also include a credible estimate of the current value of the gift below.

Bequest through your will or trust to {Organization Name}:

□ Specific dollar amount

□ Specific percentage of your estate

□ Specific percentage of your residuary estate (the amount or percentage that is left after all other bequests and expenses have been fulfilled)

{Organization Name} is a beneficiary of all or a portion of:

□ A life insurance policy

□ A financial institution (bank, CD, brokerage) account

□ A retirement account

Other/Optional Information: _____________________________________________________________________________

Donor Recognition Confirmation Sample

Planned Giving with {Organization Name} - Donor Recognition Confirmation

□ I/we give {Organization Name} permission to publicly recognize my/our membership in their legacy society.

□ I prefer to remain anonymous.

□ Yes, I would be interested in sharing the story of my support for {Organization Name} in your publications.

Name as you wish it to appear on the Honor Roll:

Please note - this document is not intended to be legally binding. We recommend you seek the advice of your attorney when considering a planned gift.

Planned Giving Options

This content can be used on your website and in collateral materials to help prospective donors understand their options.

Leaving a Legacy

Legacy gifts through {Organization Name} give a donor the opportunity to make a larger charitable donation, while providing a stable funding source for {Organization Name}.

You have many options to choose from, some of which might enhance your immediate financial security and/or that of your loved ones.

You may want to consider the following:


A bequest is a gift made through your will that directs the estate’s personal representative or trustee to make a gift from your assets to {Organization Name} after you die. Bequests may be used to provide gifts of money, stocks, real estate, or other property such as art or jewelry.

Endowment Legacies

Endowments are named gifts that are invested in perpetuity. The annual interest income from an endowment then supports specific programs and needs at {Organization Name}. Endowments are established through outright gifts, a will, insurance or retirement policies, trusts and other planned gifts.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Charitable remainder trusts allow you to transfer assets into an irrevocable trust that will provide you and or your beneficiaries with fixed percentage payments for life, or for a set period of time. Upon termination of the trust, the remaining assets are distributed to {Organization Name} to be used for the purpose specified by the donor.

Charitable Annuity Trust

With a charitable annuity trust, the donor transfers assets to {Organization Name} in exchange for a guaranteed, fixed annuity payment to them or another beneficiary for life. Upon the death of the donor, {Organization Name} receives the full amount of the initial gift to use as specified in the agreement.

Life Insurance

The gift of a life insurance policy can be a great way to combine charitable objectives with tax advantages to the donor. This is possible because donors may receive an income tax deduction by naming {Organization Name} as a partial beneficiary or owner of a life insurance policy.

Real Estate

Real Estate may be given outright, used to fund a charitable reminder trust, or given as a life estate (see below).

Life Estate Agreements

In a life estate agreement, the donor transfers the title of his or her real property to {Organization Name}. In return, the donor reserves the right to use the property throughout the donor’s lifetime. Upon the death of the donor, the property becomes an asset of {Organization Name}.

By planning legacy gifts, you may be able to increase income from investment assets, while receiving the satisfaction of making a very meaningful gift to a cause you care about.

If you would like to discuss these options or make a planned gift to {Organization Name}, please contact {Name} via email {email address} or phone at {xxx-xxx-xxxx}.

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