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Communication Templates for a Year-End Campaign
Communication Templates for a Year-End Campaign
Updated over a week ago

Direct Mail Templates

Direct Mail #1

(to be sent mid-to-late November)

Dear *|First Name|*,

I hope that this letter finds you and your loved ones staying safe and well.

I’m writing today because I know you care about {mission area or beneficiaries being served}. With the unpredictable nature of the past few years, I don’t know what might happen next.

But I do know that your generosity makes it possible to {mission impact} for people like {Beneficiary Name}.

[And thanks to a generous donor, all contributions made before {deadline} will be matched—that means your gift and your impact will be doubled!]

Will you make a gift today so that {Beneficiary Name} can {find a solution}?

{Beneficiary Name} {verb describing connection joined/reached out/came to us} {timeframe}.

{Share more of this specific beneficiary’s story. Why did they reach out? What were they feeling? What were they hoping for?}

{Beneficiary} needs {solution}.

You joined our community because of the work we do. Your support has been critical to our success. And we still need you. That’s why I’m asking you, *|First Name|*, to consider supporting our efforts during this incredibly difficult time – with a gift today.

Your gift today will {describe the solution to the problem beneficiary faces}.

You can help {beneficiary}!

Your gift right now will {describe the solution to the problem ‘beneficiary’ faces}.

Remember, all contributions made before {deadline} will be matched—that means your gift and your impact will be doubled!

As you consider your giving plans for year-end, I hope that you will support {mission impact} through a gift to *|Organization Name|*.

With just {$}, you will {impact of gift}.

Your generous gift will ensure that {beneficiaries} {impact of programs}, {impact of programs}, and {impact of programs}.

Can {Beneficiary} count on your {$} gift today?

Thanks in advance for your contribution.

With gratitude,



P.S. Monthly donations budget your gift—for you and us! Please consider making a secure, automatic recurring contribution by visiting our website at {website address}.

Direct Mail #2

(to be sent mid-December to LYBUNTS)

Dear *|First Name|*,

I’m writing today because I know you care about {mission area or beneficiaries being served}.

You joined our community because of the work we do. Your support has been critical to our success. And we still need you. That’s why I’m asking you, *|First Name|*, to consider supporting our efforts during this incredibly difficult time.

[And thanks to a generous donor, all contributions made before {deadline} will be matched—that means your gift and your impact will be doubled!]

Will you make a gift today so that {describe beneficiaries} can {find a solution}?

Your generous gift will ensure that {beneficiaries} {impact of programs}, {impact of programs}, and {impact of programs}.

You can help {beneficiaries}!

Remember, all contributions made before {deadline} will be matched—that means your gift and your impact will be doubled!

As you consider your giving plans for year-end, I hope that you will support {mission impact} through a gift to *|Organization Name|*.

With just {$}, you will {impact of gift}.

Can {Beneficiaries} count on your gift today?

Thanks in advance for your contribution.

With gratitude,



P.S. Monthly donations budget your gift—for you and us! Please consider making a secure, automatic recurring contribution by visiting our website at {website address}.

Email Templates

These templates include language for active and recently-lapsed donors. You can adjust them to use for non-donors by editing the appreciative language.

Email 1: Story of Impact

Dear *|First Name|*,

As I sit down to write to you today, I’ve been reflecting on what a year it’s been—and all the good that’s been happening, thanks to you.

You’ve been such a great supporter of {mission/cause} that I wanted to let you know the difference you’ve made.

Just this year, your generosity made it possible {beneficiaries of mission} {mention benefits or services received}.

I’d especially like you to meet {Beneficiary Name}.

{Tell this person’s back story – what brought them to your organization and how were they helped.}

Your investment in {beneficiaries} is an investment in

  • {Positive outcome of mission}

  • {Positive outcome of mission}

  • {Positive outcome of mission}

Together we’ll keep the good going until {vision}.

With gratitude,



P.S. Please take a moment to share why you support *|Organization Name|* by posting a note or picture on your social media page and tag our Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and/or Twitter accounts.

Email 2: Story of Impact

Dear *|First Name|*,

Today I’d like you to meet {Beneficiary’s name}. {Explain this person’s story. How did the person feel at the beginning? How has the person’s circumstances changed?}

You have already made a difference in {Beneficiary’s name}’s life and the lives of {beneficiaries} just like {pronoun}. You’ve made it possible for them to:

  • {Program elements}

  • {Impact of programs}

  • {Attitudes, characteristics, feelings that result from program}.

These {beneficiaries} {describe impact of program in their lives}. {Provide details of Beneficiary’s success - the current situation that demonstrates impact of the program.}

Thank you for the difference you have made for {beneficiaries}!

With gratitude,



P.S. Please take a moment to share the good happening today by posting a note or picture on your social media page and tag our Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and/or Twitter accounts.

Email 3: Thanksgiving

Today I give thanks for your generous support for *|Organization Name|*.

May you and your loved ones enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving!

Email 3: Pre-Giving Tuesday

Subject Line: *|First Name|*, let’s keep the good going!

Hello *|First Name|*,

Sometimes doing good work can feel isolating, like we’re facing a giant mountain alone. But on #GivingTuesday, nonprofits across the globe show the power of collective generosity in the social sector. To declare we aren’t alone! Your generous support of *|Organization Name|* has shown how much you care. Thank you.

*|First Name|*, I’m reaching out today with the hope that you will join us on #GivingTuesday to keep the good going. Remember {names of beneficiaries you’ve shared stories about in the past few weeks}? They {positive result of mission impact}, empowered by the generosity of others.

You can feel the power of being one among millions creating change, by making a gift to *|Organization Name|* today.

And we’ll witness the power of collective generosity as, together, we change the world.

Let’s be the change,



P.S. Please share our #GivingTuesday posts on {social media platforms you use} to encourage your friends and family to feel the power of collective generosity.

Email 4: Morning of Giving Tuesday

Subject Line: Today isn’t the only day, *|First Name|*, but it sure is a good one!

Hi *|First Name|*,

You’ve heard from me, and possibly others—today is #GivingTuesday—a day to celebrate the power of collective generosity.

[If still applicable: And thanks to a generous donor, all contributions {made before midnight} will be matched—that means your gift and your impact will be doubled!]

So, today isn’t the only day to give, but it sure is a good one!

You’ve given generously before, thank you!

If you can give again today to support {beneficiary and mission impact}, thank you!

Generous supporters like you have already raised {$} to {solution}.

Will you join them once again?

A gift of {$} will make a world of difference for {Beneficiary}.

[If still applicable: Remember, any gift made today will be doubled thanks to a generous donor.]

Can they count on you?

BUTTON: [Yes, double my gift today!]

With gratitude,



P.S. Monthly donations help to budget your gift — for you and us! Please consider making a recurring contribution by clicking here.

Email 5: Afternoon of Giving Tuesday

Subject line: *|First Name|*, don’t miss this great opportunity!

*|First Name|*,

If you want to become part of the change you hope to see in our community…don’t miss this great opportunity to {verb} {beneficiaries} today—please take a moment to donate to *|Organization Name|*. You won’t regret it!

Thanks to our donors, we are {%} of the way towards our {$} goal.

You can keep the momentum and the good going with a gift today!

BUTTON: [Give Now]

Thanks in advance,



P.S. When you set up a monthly recurring donation (link here), you’ll keep the good going!

Email 6: Story of Impact

Dear *|First Name|*,

As I sit down to write to you today, I’ve been reflecting on what a year it’s been—and, while challenging, there’s also all the good that’s been happening, thanks to you.

You’ve been such a great supporter of {mission/cause} that I wanted to let you know the difference you’ve made.

Just this year, your generosity made it possible {beneficiaries of mission} {mention benefits or services received}.

I’d especially like you to meet {Beneficiary Name}.

{Tell this person’s back story – what brought them to your organization and how were they helped.}

Your investment in {beneficiaries} is an investment in

  • {Positive outcome of mission}

  • {Positive outcome of mission}

  • {Positive outcome of mission}

Thank you for joining us on this journey to {mission/vision}.

With gratitude,



P.S. Please take a moment to share why you support *|Organization Name|* by posting a note or picture on your social media page and tag our Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and/or Twitter accounts.

Email 7: Story of Need

Subject line: *|First Name|*, we’re committed to doing good!

Hello *|First Name|*,

I write to you today because I trust you care.

You are part of our community because you believe in {mission}.

We remain committed to this cause—until {vision}.

At *|Organization Name|* our mission to {state simple mission} has not changed. We’ve been working to make change for {beneficiaries} in the middle of all that this pandemic has thrown our way.

Your support has been critical to our success. And we still need you.

That’s why I’m asking you, *|First Name|*, to consider supporting our efforts during this incredibly difficult time with a donation today.

Your generous gift will ensure that {beneficiaries} {impact of programs}, {impact of programs}, and {impact of programs}.

[Thanks to a generous donor, all contributions made {before deadline} will be matched—that means your gift and your impact will be doubled!]

With physical distancing, you may not be able to see the difference you are making first-hand today, but let me tell you, YOU ROCK! {or adjective like wonderful, amazing}

Will you join me today in making a gift that will have a positive impact on {beneficiaries} all year?

Together, we can do so much more in the New Year—and beyond.

BUTTON: [Give Now]

Thanks in advance,



P.S. Be the change you want to see in the world with a monthly donation to {mission impact}. Click here.

Email 8: Story of Need

Subject line: *|First Name|* will you keep the good going?

Hi *|First Name|*,

Today I’d like to share the story of {Beneficiary’s name}.

While {Beneficiary’s name} has {impact of programs/services} and great progress has been made in {impact of organization’s programming in relation to the problem}, your support is key to solving {bigger problem}.

The truth is, {Name of beneficiary from story} is not alone. {Tell more about the problem you address.}

You have the power to make a difference.

That’s why I’m inviting you to keep the good going today. Your thoughtful gift will:

  • {action verb + beneficiaries}

  • {action verb + beneficiaries}

  • {action verb + beneficiaries}

With just {$ amount} you can {impact of donation}. Can I count on you today?

BUTTON: [Give Now]

Thanks in advance,



P.S. For as little as {$Amount} a day, you’ll join a community of monthly donors who {mission impact} and make a world of difference. Click HERE.

Email 9: Happy Holidays

May the joy, peace and love of the holiday season be yours today and into the New Year!

Happy Holidays!

Email 10: Last Days of the Year

Subject line: {Beneficiary Name} still needs help finding her voice.

Hi *|First Name|*,

You still have an opportunity to {active verb} more {beneficiaries}.

Every dollar you give today will be put to good use {explain how the $ will be used}.

Together, we can do so much more for {recipients} in {area/region}. Please make a gift today to support {recipients} in the New Year—and beyond.

BUTTON: [Give Now]

Thanks in advance,



P.S. Setting up a monthly donation helps to budget your gift over the next year—for you and us! Please consider making a recurring contribution. Click here.

Email 11: Last Days of the Year

Subject line: *|First Name|*—are you ready for the new year?

Hi *|First Name|*,

What better way to say goodbye to this year and welcome in the new year than by making a gift right now to {verb} {beneficiaries} {impact}!

Because of your generosity, {beneficiaries} will start the year {activities and impact}.

And if we make it to our {$} fundraising goal, {bigger organization wide goal related to mission/vision}.

And if we can make it to our {$} fundraising goal, we’ll {program element} and {beneficiaries} will continue to {mission impact}.

BUTTON: [Give Now]

Thanks in advance for being so generous.

I hope you enjoy a wonderful New Year!



P.S. Setting up a monthly donation helps to budget your gift over the next year—for you and us! Please consider making a recurring contribution by clicking here.

Email 12: Last Days of the Year

Subject line: *|First Name|*, are you looking for a great way to say goodbye to 2022?

Hey *|First Name|*,

You can finish 2022 on a positive note!

With a {$} gift today, you will {impact of gift – make it match the amounts you are asking for – a particular problem they will solve with the gift}.

[Optional addition if you have a matching gift: Thanks to a generous donor, all contributions made before midnight will be matched—that means your gift and your impact will be doubled! And {mission impact}.]

Not to mention, you’ll push us towards our {$} goal! And that means *|Organization Name|* will be positioned to empower {#} of {beneficiaries} in the new year.


  • {bullet point 3 gift amounts by impact area}

  • {bullet point 3 gift amounts by impact area}

  • {bullet point 3 gift amounts by impact area}

Thank you for all that you have done already to support {beneficiaries or mission area}. Can I count on you for a {$} before midnight to {impact of that gift level}?

We’ve all had an unexpected and uncertain two years – and we’re wishing you and yours a healthy, safe, and semi-predictable new year.

BUTTON: [Yes, I want to end this year on a positive note!]

Take care,



P.S. Please consider a monthly donation {link this to your giving page} to make a gift that keeps on giving.

Templates for Social Media Post, Group Text Messages, and Group Video Scripts

Don’t forget to use all the channels where you have built connections with an audience!

These templates for group videos, social posts, and text messaging can be scattered on your communications calendar to send throughout the timeframe of the email series.

Social Media Post Templates

Shout out to all our volunteers, supporters, and donors for their generosity – helping us to keep the good going – so good things happen.

*|Organization Name|* remains committed to {mission focus}. You can show the power of collective generosity this #GivingTuesday by texting the word GIVE to {xxx-xx-xxxx}. Thanks in advance!

We can’t do this important work of {mission} without the generosity of donors who care about {cause or beneficiaries}. Please support our goal to raise {Goal Amount} by #GivingTuesday. Your generous gift today will {impact of donation if you raise total amount – think of tangible and intangible impact}. Please donate today.

If you want to become part of the change you hope to see in our community…If you have a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on being part of the solution… If you want to {verb} {beneficiaries} today—please take a moment to donate to *|Organization Name|*. You won’t regret it!

Join me today in supporting {beneficiaries} with a donation to *|Organization Name|*. The generous support from our community makes {mission} possible. Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {10 days from Day 1 – Campaign End Date}. Thanks in advance for helping {impact of donation}. Link to giving page

Did you know you could make a BIG difference in the fight for {cause/mission} with a LITTLE monthly gift of {Amount}. Join a community of monthly donors who are committed to {big picture impact/vision of gift}. Subscribe to keep the GOOD going here.

We can’t {problem to solve} overnight. Together we must act consistently, continuously, and consciously to confront the issue. Join a community of monthly donors who are committed to {big picture impact/vision of gift} with a monthly donation today. Click HERE or text the word GIVE to {xxx-xx-xxxx} to support this important work today.

{Beneficiaries} like {Name of Beneficiary – include photo if possible} need your support today to {mission impact}. Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End Date}. Can they count on you? Link to giving page

Say Farewell to the old and hello to the new! With a gift to empower {beneficiaries} with transforming life experiences in the coming year, you can end this year on a positive note! GIVE NOW.

Group Text Message Templates

Today I give thanks for your generous support for *|Organization Name|*.

May you and your loved ones enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving!

We’re #DoingGood today and every day to {mission}. Join the Global Day of Generosity this #GivingTuesday, and together we can show the collective power of good. Reply GIVE to make a gift today.

If you want to be part of the change you hope to see in our community…If you have a Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on being part of the solution… If you want to {verb} {beneficiaries} today—please take a moment to donate to *|Organization Name|*. You won’t regret it!

We are #DoingGood! Join me to support {beneficiaries}. Your donation today will make {mission/vision} possible. Your gift today will {impact of donation}. Thanks in advance for helping. Link to giving page

Please consider giving {$Amount} to *|Organization Name|* today to {impact of gift} for {beneficiaries}. Thank you in advance for making a difference. We can’t do this important work without you! Link to giving page

{Beneficiaries} like {Name of Beneficiary – include photo if possible} need your support today to {mission impact}. Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} by {Campaign End Date}. Can they count on you? Link to giving page

Say Farewell to the old and hello to the new! With a gift to empower {beneficiaries} with transforming life experiences in the coming year, you can end this year on a positive note! GIVE NOW.

Group Video Script Templates

Hello! I’m {Name of speaker}, {relationship to organization} at *|Organization Name|*. We can’t do this important work of {mission} without the generosity of donors like you who care about {cause or beneficiaries}. You’ve shown you care, thank you! I’m reaching out today to ask for your support once again for {beneficiaries}. Our goal is to raise {Goal Amount} on or before #GivingTuesday. Your generous gift today will {impact of donation if you raise total amount – think of tangible and intangible impact}. Please donate today to support this important work. Thanks in advance.

Greetings from {Name} at *|Organization Name|*.

You know as well as I do, times are tough right now for so many. But for {beneficiaries} we serve, this pandemic is a heavy burden to bear.

Helping them to stay hopeful and {mission work} is a daily effort. I’m reaching out to you today because I know you care, too. And I could use your support.

More importantly, these {beneficiary group} need you to stand with them. Please visit our website or text the word GIVE to {xxx-xxx-xxxx} or hit the link in the message you received, to make a donation today. Thank you!

Hi, it’s {Name of speaker} from *|Organization Name|*. Today I’d like to take a moment to tell you about {Name of beneficiary}. {Name of beneficiary} first came to *|Organization Name|* {with problem/need}. {He/she/they} felt {emotion like fear, discouragement, anger, frustration}. Because of generous donors, we were able to {services delivered}. Now {Name of beneficiary} {current situation as a result of mission impact}. But there are many more just like {Name of beneficiary} coming every day, looking for help. We have a goal to raise {Goal Amount} to {mission impact} for others like {Name of Beneficiary}. I hope that they can count on you today. Will you make a gift of {$Amount} to support {mission/cause}? Please visit our website or text the word GIVE to {xxx-xx-xxxx}. Thanks in advance for your generosity.

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