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How do I manage individual contacts with multiple e-mail addresses?
How do I manage individual contacts with multiple e-mail addresses?
Updated over 4 months ago

Each of your contacts can have a primary e-mail address, a secondary e-mail address, and a work-related e-mail address.

Here are a couple of important things to note when managing these contacts:

1) Sending an e-mail blast to a contact with multiple e-mails

When you send an e-mail blast to a contact with more than one e-mail address listed, the e-mail will be sent to each e-mail address listed on the contact’s record.

The system will first attempt to send the communication to the contact’s primary e-mail. If the primary e-mail address cannot receive e-mails, the message will be sent to the contact’s work e-mail address. If the contact does not have a work e-mail address listed, the system will try sending the message to the contact’s secondary e-mail address.

2) Sending an e-mail blast to contacts sharing an e-mail address

When you send an e-mail blast to two or more contacts that share the same e-mail address, multiple copies will be sent to that e-mail address. If you include certain “merge fields” that automatically pull in a contact record’s information, then each separate e-mail will contain the details of only one of the contacts sharing the e-mail.

For example, if Pam and Susie have separate contact records in 'Donor Management' but share an e-mail address, two e-mails will be sent to that e-mail address.

One e-mail will begin with “Dear Pam” and include all of Pam’s details, while the second e-mail will begin with “Dear Susie” and contain all of Susie’s information.

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