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How do I add a soft credit?
Updated over a week ago

Adding a Soft Credit

There are three ways that you can add a soft credit to a contact in Donor Management – through the Donation Details page, through the Giving tab, or through the donor’s profile.

Adding a Soft Credit Through Donation Details

To add a soft credit through the “Donation Details,” page you’ll want to locate the “Soft Credits” section.

Then, you’ll want to click on the “Add” button in the top-right corner of that section.

Adding a Soft Credit Through the Giving Tab

To add a soft credit through the Giving tab, you’ll want to locate the donation in question from the list of transactions displayed below the graph.

We recommend using the search tool in the top right corner of the page to quickly find the right donation.

If you see the donation in question listed in the drop-down below the search bar, you can click directly on that name – otherwise, you can click on the magnifying glass button next to the search bar, and any potential donations that match your search will be displayed below the graph.

You can then click on the “Actions” button next to the correct donation, then select “Add Soft Credit” from the available dropdown options.

Adding a Soft Credit Through the Donor's Profile

The process of adding a soft credit through the donor’s profile is very similar to adding one through the Giving tab – however, you’ll start by searching for the donor directly through the Contacts tab, and opening the donor profile from that screen.

Once you’ve opened the donor profile, you should see the “Interactions” section of the page, where all of that particular donor’s giving history should be listed.

Once you’ve located the specific donation you’re looking for, you can then click on the “Actions” button next to the donation, and select “Add Soft Credit” from the dropdown options.

Adding the Soft Credit

No matter which way you choose to add the soft credit, you should be directed to the “Add Soft Credit” page, where you’ll be able to finalize those soft-credit details.

You’ll first be asked to confirm whose initial donation is being soft-credited – in other words, the person who was influenced to make a donation. You’ll also want to confirm that the date and amount match, especially if the donor has a prior history of giving.

Once you’ve confirmed that this is the right donor and donation, you’ll select who will be soft-credited by searching for them and selecting their name in the drop-down field.

You’ll also want to confirm the amount of the soft credit. (In most cases, this amount will be the same as the intial donation, but you can adjust this amount as needed.)

You can also add more detailed notes about the soft credit, such as “part of employee match program”, to help provide more context.

Lastly, you have the option to mark the soft credit as “acknowledged.” You have the ability to send an acknowledgement to any donation in Donor Management – and that includes soft-credited donations, too!

Otherwise, if you’ve already sent an acknowledgement to your soft-credited donor, then you can check that box off so it reflects correctly.

Once competed, you can click on the “Save & Exit,” and the soft credit should now be recorded in Donor Management successfully!

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