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Archiving Best Practices - Jobs & Applications
Archiving Best Practices - Jobs & Applications

This article describes the best practices to consider when archiving job listings and candidate applications

Matt Schofield avatar
Written by Matt Schofield
Updated over a week ago


When jobs or applications are no longer needed, archiving is a great way to clear these items from your workspace. Although job statuses and application statuses are described more in-depth in other articles, here, we will briefly review the why and how of archiving these items.

Archiving jobs

When to close or archive jobs

When you are no longer hiring for a job, you will want to update its status so that it no longer receives new candidates. Consider the following two scenarios to determine if you would like to close or archive your job:

  • When you no longer want new applicants, but are still moving existing candidates through the hiring or onboarding pipeline, you’ll want to move the job to closed.

  • When all candidates have been placed on the vacancy dashboard and moved through the hiring and onboarding process and you no longer want hiring managers to see this job when screening candidates, then you’ll want to change the job status to archived.

How to close or archive jobs

You can easily change the status of a job using the quick actions from that job’s line item.

To close a job, simply click the “Close” icon. If you’d like to reopen it, click the “Open” icon.

Similarly, to archive a job, click the “Archive” icon on the line item. If you’d like to unarchive an archived position, click “Unarchive.”

How to access archived jobs

By default, archived jobs are hidden from the jobs page. If you would like to view your archived jobs, select “Archived” under “Job Status” from the filters on the left-hand side of the page

Archiving applications

When to archive applications

If a candidate’s application is no longer being considered, you can archive the application to remove it from default view.

Archiving one or all candidate’s applications

To archive just one application for a candidate, click the application to open its quick view, and then change the status to “Archived.”

To quickly archive all applications from the same candidate, first select the checkbox next to their name on the Candidates “View all” page. Next, select the “Bulk Status Change” option and click “Archived.” You will note that all applications for that candidate are moved to the “Archived” status. For more information on bulk status changes, refer to our dedicated article here.

Revisiting archived applications

Archiving applications can help to clear clutter in your workspace, but archived applications are not deleted and can always be revisited if necessary.

To view archived applications, navigate to the candidates page (either “View all” or “By posting”) and select the “Archived” toggle under “Candidate Status.” Archived applications will then appear, and, as necessary, can be further updated.

Regularly archiving unneeded jobs and applications is a great way to keep your Nimble workspace organized and optimized. To learn more about job and application statuses, refer to our dedicated articles "Job statuses & quick actions" and "Candidate statuses".

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