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Smart Lists

Convenient and powerful lists for calling sequenced prospects at useful moments.

Written by Kevin Yang
Updated over 11 months ago

Calling prospects outside of scheduled tasks can be a powerful way to get more pickups and book more meetings. Nooks offers a number of smart lists for surfacing intentful prospects to call when you've already cleared your sequences for the day.

Smart Lists work in addition to Sequences

  • You can call prospects without requiring an active task to be present.

  • Calls to prospects from Smart Lists will not advance or complete existing tasks, similar to the one-off dialer.

  • Smart lists are available on Outreach, Salesloft, Hubspot and Apollo.

  • [Outreach] Prospects must be in at least one Sequence to appear in Smart Lists. This restriction does not apply to Salesloft, Hubspot or Apollo

Nooks currently offers 4 smart lists

People who didn’t answer today.

This shows all active prospects you called in Nooks today (once or multiple times) who you never got a connect with. You likely will not have call tasks with these prospects since they were just moved to the next step in your sequence, but you can still call them!

This allows you to quickly redial prospects without having to create one-off tasks.

⚠️ For Outreach, this list is limited to prospects who are in some active sequence and for whom you are the “Prospect Owner”

⚠️ For all other integrations, this list can pull any prospect, including prospects you don’t own and prospects who are no longer in a sequence.

People who said to follow up this week.

This shows all actively sequenced prospects you called in Nooks over the last week who you dispositioned as a “Follow up” disposition.

⚠️ You’ll need to configure your disposition mapping so that the “Follow Up” setting is mapped to a specific disposition from your SEP!

People who didn’t answer in the last week.

This shows all actively sequenced prospects you called in Nooks over the last week who you never connected with.

People who opened or clicked emails recently.

This shows all actively sequenced prospects who opened or clicked your emails at least twice (since your most recent touch point with them — prospect creation, connect, or email reply.) We check for two email opens, as most email systems will open everything once for spam/antivirus checks.

⚠️ This smart list is currently only available for Outreach and Salesloft. We are working on extending this functionality to Apollo and Hubspot.

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