Once you understand Tasks, it's time to learn about a special place where Tasks are given their fifteen minutes of fame. Well, actually, up to 24 hours.
What is Your Horizon? 
Your Horizon is a dedicated place for the things that you would like to accomplish in a given day. While you manage and curate your Tasks in a separate view, you then move "today's" Tasks into your Horizon on the day you want to address them by pressing the Horizon icon; you can also select a future date that you would like a Task to automatically move to your Horizon.
It's important to note that Tasks also come equipped with a Due Date field, which is separate from your Horizon.
For instance, you may have to return some signed paperwork to your school by October 20th — that’s when its “due by”; however, you may choose to move it into today’s Horizon to get it out of the way or schedule it to move into your Horizon on October 10th. It's important that you add due dates to Tasks when relevant, because otherwise, Horizon features (like automated notifications when you've missed a due date) can't do their job. We'll learn more about that below.
Why the Horizon matters: In most apps, you’re expected to create, sort, curate, and add details to your tasks in the same experience that you're expected to use as a day-to-day guide for what you’d like to accomplish; however, this goes against the way our minds work (regardless of whether or not we have ADHD).
How It Works
The Horizon View helps you plan and prioritize your daily tasks efficiently.
Accessing Your Horizon View
Your Horizon view is accessed on the mobile app via the leftmost icon on the bottom menu and the topmost icon on the web. In many ways, this is your primary NoPlex view and where you'll likely spend most of your time on the platform.
Understanding the Parts of the Horizon
Your Horizon is broken up into several sections that only appear if one or more Tasks fall into a category. These include Tomorrow's Horizon (so you can look ahead and plan) and My Supporter Tasks (which shows all the Tasks that a NoPlex user that you support committed to and to which you've been added). Learn more about Supporters.
Adding and Removing Tasks from Your Horizon
You can add any incomplete Task to your Horizon — either when creating the Task or afterward. When you do, you'll see it turn yellow. You can remove it from your Horizon by pressing the icon again — predictably, it will disappear from your Horizon, and the icon will no longer appear green.
Scheduling a Task's Horizon Date
Instead of pressing the icon, you can press and hold it (on the mobile app) or click the date below it (on the web app) to select a future Horizon date.
There are several reasons why you would schedule a Horizon date. Among them:
You create a somewhat pressing task that that needs to be completed soon (like sending your taxes) but today's Horizon is already pretty beefy and you don't want to overcommit and invite overwhelm into your day. Instead, you add it to tomorrow's Horizon, which is empty as of now.
You create a Task that you don't want to lose track of, but which you can't accomplish yet until you get additional information (e.g. booking a vacation rental but you need to confirm that dates with others). You may schedule a Horizon date for early next week — when it arrives, if you still haven't gotten the info you need to proceed, it serves as a reminder to press the other vacationers to respond and confirm.
Understanding the Horizon "Look Book"
The Horizon icon can appear in any of five states that let you understand the Task's Horizon status at a glance.
No Horizon status. Carry on.
This has a future Horizon date (beyond tomorrow)
This is on deck for tomorrow's Horizon.
On today's Horizon. Get it done!
Looks like you didn't get to it, so it's been carried over.
Key Features
Your Horizon does a lot more that this.
Horizon Notifications
When Tasks are in your Horizon, NoPlex has your back. You'll receive notifications about any incomplete Tasks you selected at 9 p.m. (your device's local time). Learn more about notifications. Your Supporter will also receive notifications.
Supporter Integration
If you've added your Supporter to any Tasks that end up in your Horizon, they'll receive a notification when they've moved it to your Horizon, when you've completed it, if you've failed to complete the Task by 9 p.m. (your device's local time), and if you've failed to complete the task by midnight and it's being carried over.
The Progress Bar
Who doesn't like to know where you stand? There's a circular progress bar at the top of your Horizon page which shows you how today's Horizon progress is going (relative to your commitment). Completing a Task counts toward your progress, while removing a Task from your Horizon or archiving it doesn't. This gives you a sense of your own NoPlex usage and encourages you to become more intentional about your Horizon over time.
The Quick Insights Box
But wait! There's more!
Why keep track of all your Tasks when NoPlex can do it for you? Beneath the Horizon title, you'll see a few icons that provide insights about any Tasks that are due/overdue but not on your Horizon. These Insights also informs you about any tasks that are particularly old. All of this allowing you to keep your Horizon view tidy.
You can trust the process and add these Tasks to your Horizon by pressing the "add" buttons next to the icons, or review the Tasks in question by pressing the text below the icons or the Take a look link at the bottom of the box.
Yeah — we know. Pretty awesome, right?
What constitutes an "old" Task?
It depends.
If you've been a NoPlex user for more than nine days (but fewer than twenty), anything more than a week old will be brought to your attention.
If you've been a user for more than nineteen days (but fewer than forty), anything more than two weeks old will be brought to your attention.
If you've been a user for more than forty days, anything more than a month old will be brought to your attention.
Getting the Most out of Your Horizon
Your Horizon can be your best bud. Start each day by taking a look at your Horizon, addressing Tasks that have been carried over, reviewing Tasks that have arrived in your Horizon due to scheduling and your Quick Insights, and then looking through your Tasks view to see if anything with an upcoming due date is worth adding.
Why is my Horizon icon Blue?
The blue color signifies that the Task is going to be placed into tomorrow's Horizon. You will see this behavior if you add a Task to your Horizon towards the end of the day. Instead of placing it in today's Horizon which is nearing it's end NoPlex will move this to the next day for you. If you want to still complete it today you can change the Horizon due date to be for today.
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