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Stock Replenishment Report
Written by Dan Minchom
Updated over a week ago

The Stock Levels Report presents the current stock levels of items on your store. This is filtered by the availability date of products. If you cannot see any items in the report, widen our the release date filter. This report is most useful used in conjunction with the Stock Replenishment Report.

By default the report lists all stock available for a product, so combines the quantities from all warehouses you have stock in. It is possible to filter this by warehouse. To view just stock in a specific location.


The stock field will show you the number of items in your warehouses at this moment. Items can appear in negative stock quantities. This is expected if you have sold more than you have available in your warehouse. For example if you are pre-selling an item.


The Pre-sale field will show you the number of units (if any) expected to arrive in your warehouse in future, based on your Ship Notices.

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