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Connecting your Handy (Firmware 4)
Connecting your Handy (Firmware 4)

Guide for connecting your Handy to your network for Online mode in Firmware 4

Updated over 3 months ago

For you to connect your Handy online via the Onboarding app you will need to download the app first, you can find the links below for you Operating System.

Once you get the app on your mobile device, you can the start connecting the Handy to the app and configure it.

Connecting to the app

When you open the app, you should eventually see a initial page instructing you how to set up the Handy for connecting, follow the instructions on screen to prepare the device.

Then you can click on Search for Devices on the bottom of your screen, once it finds your Handy a pop up will appear prompting you to confirm the connection.

Click on Connect and once it is successful you will see a green text confirming this.

If it's your first time connecting, you may be prompted to read the terms and conditions, please give it a read and toggle if you want to share anonymous and crash data with the Handy Servers.

You need to accept at the very least the terms and conditions before continuing. Once you select the options for data sharing you can then use Accept Selected to confirm your choices or Accept All for enabling all the options and proceeding.

Once you finish, you should then be presented with the main menu for the app. Let's take a look at a few relevant spots related to connection.

1) Here you can find information related to the device's status, it can show if you are connected via Bluetooth, if you are connected to a Network and which one, if you are connected to the Handy servers and lastly, your battery percentage.

2) This is your connection key, which you use to connect to websites, remote control and more. Upper case letters are bolded, numbers are in red and lower case letter are normal.

3) This allows you to regenerate your key, opening a new menu where you can configure the new key

4) This button allows you to share the key quickly via other apps or to simply copy it for you to paste wherever you wish.

5) This is where you can change Wi-Fi credentials, and where you also go to configure it for the first time

Configuring Wi-Fi

Now that we are connected to the app, save your connection key as you will need it later to connect to services that offer content for the Handy

Select the Change Wi-Fi button (5) so we can start configuring your network.

On this new windows you can find a list of networks that you can connect to, if none show up try using the Scan Again button.

Once you find your network, select it and a new window will pop up so you can input your password. Click on Connect when you're done inputting the password.

A new window will pop up and do a quick test for the network and to test connecting to the Ohdoki servers. Once completed, you can click on Close to finish the test

Changing start mode

Now that your device has a network stored, you can change in which mode it initially starts on. That way you can immediately go Online when you next start the device.

To do this, select the Settings option on the main menu.

In this new window, on the very top, you will find the Boot mode section. This changes what mode the device starts on.

For you to be able to immediately connect online when you turn on your device, you need to select either WiFi or WiFi & Bluetooth options.

Keep in mind that WiFi & Bluetooth mode adds anywhere from 20 to 100 ms of delay in latency, this can cause legacy devices to have memory issues. If you're looking for the most stable connection, use WiFi mode.

Once selected, you should see a pop-up at the top confirmation that the mode was saved.

Connecting to services using your Connection Key

Now that your device is configured, close your Onboarding app and turn off your device, now turn it back on. It should immediately try to connect.

If it shows a stable pink light, it has connected. If it shows a red and pink light, it failed the connection and you may need to try again to connect by turning the device off and on again.

Nonetheless, once the device connects, you can use your connection key to connect with services that offer compatibility with the Handy.

As an example, you can click on the Connect button on the top right of the screen in

Once you click, a window will pop up prompting you to input your connection key. Input your key and hit connect.

Once you're done the button will change from Connect to Connected and will open a control panel for you to adjust settings on your device.

I'm facing issues, what do I do?

Check out our common connection issues guide for some troubleshooting steps.

If you are still facing issues, use the chat box on the bottom right of this page or email us at for support.

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