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Google & FB Conversions Campaigns

Learn about your campaigns, what they are and how they bring you Ad success!

Written by Dennis Pacon Spielberg
Updated over a week ago

The goal of a conversion campaign is to get people who are interested in a service to provide their contact information so that you can follow up. After their information is provided, you can reach out as soon as possible to convert your lead into a customer!

Here are a few examples of ads:

Facebook Ads:

Google Search Ad:

Once the potential customer clicks on the "Learn More" button, it will direct them to the businesses' website or landing page.

Here is an example of a landing page:

The landing page would include information about your services and the business. We ensure clear call-to-actions to make sure your customers are moved as easily and quickly to your business information. This may include filling out a form to leave their contact information. You will receive email notifications when people fill these out.

Tracking & Optimizing Performance

We will set up all the conversion tracking on your website or landing page. This will be tracking specific actions, such as when people are calling in or submitting on your 'contact us', 'quote' or 'visit' forms.

This will show the success of your campaign in pushing traffic towards your business and allowing you to follow up with customers once they complete these actions.

Make sure you do this as soon as possible, they could be shopping around! Campaigns makes it even easier for you to not miss out on a potential customer.

Need some more information? Please reach out to our team via the chat bubble.

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