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Charts for Recruiters
Charts for Recruiters

Visualisation of Recruitment Data with Charts

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Written by OneUp Customer Success
Updated over a month ago

OneUp's Charts feature forms part of the reporting suite on the platform; enabling the visualisation of data in bar and line chart formats. Charts are fully customisable and can be saved alongside reports in Report Manager or exported as an image for use in external presentations and reports.

If you are looking to level up your data analysis and spot trends at a glance, here are some of the most common charts that our Recruitment clients are creating!

Chart Type 1: Metrics Over Time

Revenue Trends

See your business' revenue fluctuations over the course of a year, by creating a line chart using your revenue metric and applying the Split By function to break this down monthly. You could create this same report for each Team or individual User within your business!/table

ℹ️Why not try adding in Revenue Booked alongside Invoiced, to visualise any gap between the two?!

Client Revenue Trends

Similarly to the revenue trend line chart above, by changing the entity to Client you can spot any trends in the revenue generated from your top clients, allowing pre-emptive action to be taken with distribution of resources in the future. If you prefer, view this as a bar chart!

ℹ️ You will only be able to create charts using Client, Job and Candidate entities if you have access to Performance Insights. To find out more about this add-on product, please reach out to our Customer Success team!

User Performance Report

Create a Chart to visualise an individual Consultant's performance on key metrics, for use in their 121's. In the example below, we have included 5 key metrics and applied Split By Month to view their performance over the last quarter.

ℹ️ This can be a great visual compliment for any new starters you have during their probationary period review!

Contract vs Perm Split

Use percentage stacked bars to visualise the split between Contract and Perm placements within your business - the below example is based on number of placements, but you could do the same for revenue!

ℹ️ Hover over the bar to see the percentage figures!

Correlation Between Multiple Metrics

Use a line chart to spot the correlation between multiple metrics - in this example, we are looking at Jobs Added and Total Placements for a specific Client. Perhaps you want to view the correlation between BD Calls and Jobs Added for an individual Consultant?

Chart Type 2: Compare Entities on a Single Metric

Team vs Team Comparison

Compare performance on a specific metric for different Users, Teams, or even Clients. Below is a Chart showing the number of placements made by each office (Team) last month.

ℹ️ If you would prefer not to see the data labels on your bars, you can turn these off under Customize Chart.

Chart Type 3: Compare Multiple Time Periods

YOY Revenue

Compare Revenue Booked and Revenue Invoiced this year vs last year with a bar chart, to see how your business is performing.

Incentive Impact

Ran an incentive on a specific activity because the previous month's numbers were low? Create a chart to compare the two time periods and see at a glance what impact the incentive had on your numbers!

Chart Type 4: Compare Entities During a Time Period

Key Activity Comparison

Compare weekly activity for different Teams or Users based on their key KPI's.

ℹ️ Toggle on 'Show Targets' under Customize Chart to display a line on the chart for any entities and metrics with targets assigned.

BD Activity Comparison

Compare BD activity for multiple Consultants, using stacked bars to display the split of key BD activities to enable identification of any activities that could do with a little more focus.

Interview Stage Breakdown

Use a percentage stacked bar to show the split of different interview stages that have been arranged.

For a guide on how to create Charts, checkout the helpdesk article create a report in Performance Insights, check out the helpdesk article📘Charts or our 🎥 Tutorial Video

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