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Setting new targets
Setting new targets

Learn how to set up targets to track your users' performance.

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over a week ago


Targets are OneUp's premier method for tracking user performance. They allow you to see how a user stacks up against their expected outcomes which helps motivate them to push hard to hit 100% target achievement and overall contribute more to your business.

Created targets can be displayed:

  • On a user/team/company Dashboard widget, for a quick overview of target progress;

  • in Performance Analytics reports, next to users' actual performance, if managers want to dive deeper into their teams' stats;

  • on TVs, in a target report and leaderboard slides, to allow a team to see how they're doing no matter where they are in the office.

Creating new targets

In order to create targets on OneUp, by default, you must be an Admin user.

  1. Log into your OneUp Dashboard.

  2. From the Manage menu in the navigation bar, select Targets.

  3. Select the + Add target button at the top right of the page.

  4. You'll be redirected to a screen for creating your target.

  5. First, select the Metric you would like to set the target for.

  6. Next, choose your interval. Is this a daily, weekly, monthly or annual target?

  7. Enter the value for the target e.g. what you'd like the individuals to achieve.

  8. Then, assign the target to an entity: specific users, a team, or the whole company.


We recommend setting blanket targets across all your users as it's easy to tweak individual differences afterwards, rather than repeating this process many times over. You can do this by selecting multiple users in the box.

Team & Company:

If you don't set up a team or company target, then OneUp will default to displaying the sum of your team members'/all users' targets as a team/company target.

If you do set up a team or company target, this will be used instead of any cumulative user targets.
You can learn more about this functionality here.

9. The final step is to choose a start and end date. You can backdate the start date if you'd like to be specific, and if you'd like the target to continue indefinitely, just leave the end date blank.

For targets measuring duration (for example, total call time), you can choose to enter the value in minutes, or hours, using the option that appears next to the value box.

For targets measuring currency, choose the currency using the dropdown box when prompted, then enter the value in the following box without currency symbols, commas (,) or periods (.).

10. Select Create, and you're done!

Tips πŸ’‘

  • If the time period you're viewing on the dashboard, in a report or TV slide does not conform to the target you've set (e.g viewing one week inside a monthly target), OneUp dynamically recalculates the target based on the time period selected. As an example, a yearly target with a value of 120 will be altered to 10 if viewing just one month's data (as it will be divided by 12 months).

  • Weekly targets will conform to your chosen working week setting within the platform. For example, if your working week is Sun-Sat, this will be treated as a 7-day target when breaking down the value (e.g just viewing a day of data).

  • Targets currently do not account for bank holidays (i.e they do not reduce their value to 0 on holidays).

  • If you want to account for users being on holiday/leave within targets, you can do so by entering a target of 0 for the specific user during the time they were away. This article explains more.

  • If you want to create templates for common targets (e.g a standard set of targets for new users), you can save configured targets as a template for future use. This article explains more.

  • Wondering what happens to targets when you delete a user or set them to an observer?

    If the target was set at the individual user level:

    • The targets end immediately on the day they are deleted or changed to an observer. OneUp will calculate what the prorated value would be, before this time. Eg., if they had an annual target set at 100, and they got deleted halfway into the year, their target would be changed to 50.

    If the target was set at the team or company level:

    • Individual users' targets ending with their deletion or transition to observer users does not affect a target set at team or company level.

Troubleshooting ✨

If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat. We'll be happy to help! πŸ’™

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