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Get Started with Leagues
Get Started with Leagues

Your guide to creating, editing and viewing a League

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over a week ago

What are Leagues?

Leagues are points-based competitions.

League page

There are two types of Leagues:

  1. Individual Leagues

    Individuals compete against other individuals.

  2. Squad Leagues

    Form squads and collaborate with your squad to compete against other squads.


Squads are teams formed during a competition.

Unlike platform teams that usually reflect your company's hierarchy and are used for data access rulesets, squads only exist during the competition itself and are created during the competition set-up flow.

Leagues allow you to compete on multiple metrics during the same competition (e.g., CVs sent, interviews arranged, permanent placements).


Users with access to Reporting can also view league points for individual users within Performance Analytics.

Creating a League


You must have the Manage Leagues permission in order to create/edit Leagues.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Select Competitions in the main navigation menu and choose Leagues.

  2. Select the + New button in the top right of your screen.

    searchbar image

  3. Enter your league details.

    Name your League and choose the time period you'd like the League to run for.

    We recommend then uploading a custom logo for the League (optional).

    Select Save and continue.

  4. Next, select a league type on the select participants page.

    There are two league types:

    • Individuals

      In this league type, individual users will compete against each other.

    • Squads

      Organize your participants into squads, so that the squads (two or more) can compete against each other. Add a custom image per squad if you like.

      step 2 select participants

  5. Select participants.

    Whether you've selected 'individuals' or 'squads', select the participants you'd like included in your league.

  6. Enter the league objectives.

    These are the metrics/activities you'd like your users to compete on. Award points for each metric based on the importance you hold for each metric/activity in the League.


  7. Add incentives.

    These are the prizes on offer for your winners.


  8. Finally, launch your competition!

The league will appear in your active or upcoming leagues, dependent on the start date entered.

Viewing existing Leagues

  1. Find all your existing Leagues under Competitions in the main navigation menu, and Leagues.

  2. Search for a League by typing the League's name into the search bar on the right, or use one of our filters on the left to find the League you're looking for.

    active leagues page

  3. Select the League name, or the open button on the far right, to navigate to a specific League.

  4. You'll be displayed with a breakdown of the League, listing the league standings.

    example image of a specific league

  5. Navigate to the Incentives & Objectives area, to find incentive details, as well as how the League standings are calculated.

example of incentives and objectives

โ“ FAQs

Can't find a league?

Be sure to check the 'Upcoming', and 'Ended' areas too, found at the top of the page.

My league has incorrect data/ missing points!

Check the date range - points will only count if logged after the start date (8am default) and before the end date (6pm default).

Also check the league activities that count towards the objective.

Wondering how to make changes to an existing league, or copy a league?

Visit our Managing Leagues article.

Want to find out more?

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Troubleshooting โœจ

If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat system or email

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