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Reporting for Recruiters: Client, Job and Candidate Reports
Reporting for Recruiters: Client, Job and Candidate Reports
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Written by OneUp Customer Success
Updated over 2 months ago

In need of some inspiration for creating impactful reports on Clients, Jobs and Candidates in Performance Insights?

These example reports are based on those most frequently used in the industry and will enable you to get the most value out of Performance Insights. Take a look and have a go at building your own!

⚠️ The CRM fields available in Performance Insights will vary dependent on your integration. Please reach out to the OneUp Support team via the in-app chat if there is a specific field that you would like to see, to check if this is possible!

πŸ“ˆ Client Reports

Top Clients by Revenue

Every Recruitment Agency should know who their top performing clients are, and perhaps also those who are not proving very lucrative. Simply create a Client Report and add in your Revenue Metric!

Client Revenue Report

πŸ’‘ If you operate on both a Permanent and Temporary/Contract basis, you might want to separate this out into individual reports using either your Perm Revenue or Contract GP Metrics.

Client Conversion Report

You have identified how much revenue each client is generating, but how much effort and resource has been invested into generating that revenue?

Below are key recruitment pipeline success metrics, broken down by client for easy comparison. Reporting on Conversion Metrics such as CV:Placement and Fill Rate will give you a better understanding of the return on your investment into each client.

Client Conversion Report

Last Activity Report

Last Activity reports are super useful to build impactful Client call lists. If a Client is listed as Active, but it's been a while since you received a new vacancy from them or had a meeting, perhaps it is time to reach out?

πŸ’‘ Depending on your integration, CRM fields for clients such as email or phone number could be included in your report to build an immediately actionable call list!

Client Report using Last Activity metrics

Individual Client Report

Many Clients will request key stats from their Recruiter on a regular basis as part of their SLA, so why not create a report to quickly access and review that data?

This data can also be used pro-actively to demonstrate the value that has been delivered to a Client in order to develop the account further or renegotiate fees.

Individual Client Report

πŸ’‘ Create an automation to Automate this report, so that it lands in your inbox just when you need it, ready to forward to your Client.

Client Trend Reports

Take your Individual Client Report one step further, by using the 'Split By' function to analyse trends and identify whether the Client's account is in growth or decline, enabling you to take pro-active action.

Individual Client Report using Split By function

By also making use of the 'Override Timeframe' and 'Average' functions, you're able to compare trends across different time periods. In this example below, we are able to see a side by side comparison of the average monthly revenue this quarter vs last quarter. You may want to look at YoY trends in a similar way, i.e. Q2 2023 vs Q2 2024.

Individual Client Report using Override Timeframe and Average Functions

Client Industry/Sector Report

Do you know which of the sectors or industries you operate in drive the most revenue for your business? Create a Client report including your Industry or Sector CRM field and use the Group By function to easily identify your most lucrative areas which can inform future business development focus or reallocation of resources.

Client Report Grouped by Sector

πŸ’‘ When using Group By, click the arrows on each Group to open out the individual records within each section.

πŸ“ˆ Job Reports

Job Activity Report

Report on Jobs across the business using activity metrics such as CVs Sent and 1st Interviews to identify those that need a little more focus, or spot trends where Jobs are being worked on for no reward (i.e. CVs are not converting to Interviews). Perhaps the Last Activity on a Job was some time ago and therefore the Job needs closing, or is there a conversation needed with the Client?

Job Activity Report including Conversion and Last Activity Metrics

Job Report by Client

Create a Job Report and group by Client to analyse the types of jobs worked for each client and the revenue generated from those roles. This can help identify areas for account development.

Job Report Grouped by Client

Placed Jobs

A Job Report that is grouped by Job Title, Sector or Industry will allow you to track the areas in which you are most successful in filling roles. This can inform future BD focus areas to grow the most lucrative areas of the business further.

Placed Jobs Report grouped by Job Title

πŸ’‘ Create a similar Job Report grouped by Owner, which can be used as the basis for desk development conversations with your Consultants.

Job Source Report

Create a Job Report including the 'Source' CRM field to understand the most successful methods for Job attraction.

Job Report Grouped By Source

πŸ“ˆ Candidate Reports

Candidates with a recent CV Sent

In a candidate driven market, it is essential to make the most out of the candidates you are engaging with. Create a report of all candidates who have had their CV submitted to a client in the previous week, which can then be exported or automated to share with the team with the purpose of 'recycling' those candidates!

Candidate Report for CV's sent Last Week

Current Contract Runners Out

Create a report on all of the candidates who are currently working contracts that will soon be coming to an end, so that you can reach out to them to find them a new placement. Use your Contract Finishers metric and set the 'Override Timeframe' on this column to 'This Month'.

Candidate Report on Contract Finishers this month

Perm Candidates still in Rebate

Create a report showing all of your recently placed candidates, including a 'Last Activity' column for Placements, to identify candidates who are currently within rebate periods as a prompt to check in and see how they are getting on.

Candidate Report using Last Activity to show recently Placed Candidates

Source Effectiveness Report

Create a report on your placed candidates and group by 'Source' to identify the job boards and other candidates sources that are generating the most return on investment.

Candidate Report Grouped by Source

For a guide on how to create a report in Performance Insights, check out the helpdesk articleπŸ“˜Reporting on Clients, Jobs and Candidates or our πŸŽ₯ Tutorial Video

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