Add Teams & Assign Roles
Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over a week ago

By adding teams, you can easily segment who is working on what and when. Every account needs to have at least one team for you and your team members.

Create Your Team and Add Team Members

To start, type your team's name into the content box, and click Add Team. You can add as many teams as you need based on the different groups you work with. Click on the Users hyperlink to go to the team.

Image shows the options to type in the name of the team before clicking Add Team. Below that is the option to select the user

You can choose a user from the drop-down box, and click Add to add them to the team.

Assigning Roles

Now it's time to set the team member's role(s) which allows you to assign responsibilities to the correct person.

Image shows the Roles hyperlink that you click on to see available roles or create them.

To start, you will not have any roles, so it's very important to think of all the different team members that will help you manage the transaction. Every transaction will have tasks to keep you on track. Those tasks have to be assigned a role so you know who is responsible for it. Some examples of roles are Transaction Coordinator, Admin, Listing Coordinator, Email Specialist, etc.

Pro Tip:

Think about where you want your business to be in 10 years. What roles do you foresee yourself needing? Even though it's in the future, add and assign these roles now so you don't have to go in later to change things.

Click on Edit Roles to start creating them.

Image shows the Edit Roles hyperlink you can select on the right side of the screen.

You'll type the name of the role into the content box and then click Add. The new role will appear below where you can edit the name or delete it altogether.

Image shows the content box, Add button, edit name, and delete options.

Once you have all of the roles added, you can go back to the user page for your team, and select any role that applies to the team member. If there is only one of you to start with, assign all of the roles to yourself. This makes it easy to assign the role to someone else once you add more team members.

Image shows where to check the box once the role is created.

If you go back to your team, you will see the roles assigned to the team members under their names. Click on Close to return to the Add Your Teams onboarding screen.


Adding team members, teams, assigning roles, and permissions can also be done by going to your Settings (gear icon) and selecting Organization & Users.

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