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πŸŽ₯ Manage Fan Uploaded Content

A guide to viewing and exporting fan upload content

Grant Tilbury avatar
Written by Grant Tilbury
Updated over 4 months ago

When fans upload content through a landing page, be it photo, video or text, it is housed in the "Fan uploads" tab under the "Fans" heading. In here, you can read through all the responses, and watch all the videos.

Filtering πŸ—‚

It might be the case that you want to thin out the number of fan uploads in front of you before you begin sifting through them. If so, click 'Show Filters' on the right hand side of the page.

You can filter for:

  • Fans in a specific audience

  • Fans with a specific tag

  • Fans who uploaded to a specific landing page

  • Fans who uploaded before or after a specific date

  • Fans who uploaded text, media, or both

  • And any combination of the above

Tagging and Downloading The Winners πŸŽ–πŸ“₯

While you can download individual uploads by simply clicking on a photo (or the three dots in the case of videos) in most cases, you will want to view the uploads within Openstage and then tag a few 'winning' uploaders to download, rather than downloading every upload from the jump. To separate out your 'winners', do the following:

  1. Decide on a new tag that you will use for the 'winners' you plan to download. In this example, we are using 'Winner'

  2. Go through the uploads and apply the new tag to your 'winners' using the yellow button that says "Add ___ tag"

  3. Once you've tagged all the 'winners', use the filter to search for only the uploads with your tag.

  4. Hit 'Download' in the top right corner to export them

The Download File πŸ’Ύ

When you click download, a csv. file will download to your computer listing all available information from the selected 'winners'.

The .csv lists standard information such email, name, tag list and sign-up date, followed by the pertinent info:

  • URL: A link to download the photo or video uploaded by the fan

  • Text: The copy from any text uploaded by the fan

  • Socials: Any social handles provided by the fan

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