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Orka Passport - share with employers!
Orka Passport - share with employers!

This article explains how your Orka Passport can help you to find other work quickly without needing to re-do a lengthy background check.

Written by Noah
Updated over a week ago

- Vetting process: the process of completing your background check.
- Vetted: fully compliant, so you have passed the background check.
- Orka Passport: your background check file.

We've had a lot of feedback from our workers about background checks in the Security industry. They've explained how whilst they understand it's a necessary step, they find it a very lengthy process that causes frustration due to the time and effort needed from candidates. Also, if they find a different employer offering work that is more suited to them, they need to go through the whole process again!

As you may know, Orka Check completes background checks for workers. We offer this service not only for those working through Orka Works, but also for several other Security companies in the industry who do not conduct vetting internally and instead outsource it to other companies. This is because we are NSI-silver accredited, which means we are certified to a very high standard to complete BS7858 background checks, so companies can trust us to do these checks and do them well.

We're excited to announce that we are launching a brand new service: if you are fully cleared and have an active, in-date Orka Passport, you can now share this Passport with potential employers. This means you become more employable in their eyes, as they do not need to go through a long vetting process with you and you could start work immediately.

What do I need to do?

Keep your Orka Passport up to date, so that you can notify future employers that you are fully vetted, and they can have immediate access to your 5-year activity history.

1. If you have passed your background check, you just need to go to your 'Profile' section on the app and click on 'Your Background Check' to access your Orka Check account.

2. Click on the tab at the bottom, which says 'Share your background check'.

3. Now, you just need to enter the organisation's email for the company that is looking to hire you. Please make sure you only enter this if the employer has told you that they are interested in receiving your completed background check file.

4. They will then receive a link that takes them through to PayPal where they can pay for your fully compliant vetting file to be emailed to them. This will then mean you can begin working with them straight away!

What's in this for me?

This provides you with the chance to be flexible and move quickly: you will not need to go through vetting every time you want a new job, and will put the power in your hands! No more stress, no more lengthy waits to start work - instead, you will save your employers time and effort as they don't need to worry about your vetting and you can start working immediately.

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