Finding the access page
Updated over a week ago

There are a few ways to find your access page

1) The app or your account

Open the app and go to parking sessions. You could also open our website on your mobile phone and log in to your account. There you find your upcoming bookings and is where you can start your parking session.

2) SMS to your phone

We also send the access page link by SMS to the phone number you provided us.

Note: The SMS is sent 1.5 hour before the booking starts.

If you want to receive your access link by SMS earlier, then go to My bookings to retrieve your personal access page.

3) Booking confirmation email

You can find your access page in the booking confirmation email we sent you. If it's not your inbox, try looking in the spam as well.

If you can't find the email, it could be that you didn't receive a booking confirmation email.

4) Contact us

If none of the above alternatives work, please get in contact with us and we'll help you. We typically reply within 24 hours.

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