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Tali - Cash History

View debits and credits in the cash in hand account in Tali

Becky Watson avatar
Written by Becky Watson
Updated over a week ago

This report shows the debits and credits associated with the cash in hand account.

Filter the transactions

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Cash History.
    โ€‹Note: By default, all cash transactions are listed, until you filter the list displayed.

  2. Select a Date From and a Date To to display transactions between those dates.

  3. Click Search.

Print the list of transactions

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Cash History.

  2. Click Print.
    A prompt tells you your report is being prepared. Once it has been prepared it is displayed as a PDF and you can then print the PDF file.

Export the list of transactions

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Cash History.

  2. Click Export CSV.
    The list of transactions is automatically saved as a download comma-separate value (CSV) file.

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