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Tali - Bank History

View details of your bank account history in Tali

Becky Watson avatar
Written by Becky Watson
Updated over a week ago

This report shows the debits and credits associated with the bank account or accounts displayed. It is used during preparation for period end in viewing your unreconciled transactions and it is useful if you need to reprint paying-in slips.

Filter the bank transactions

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Bank History.
    โ€‹Note: By default, all bank transactions are listed, until you filter the list displayed.

  2. Filter the list by selecting Bank Account, Type, Status, Date From and Date To fields.

  3. Click Search.

Print a paying-in slip

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Bank History.

  2. Click the paying-in slip Reference hyperlink to display the Bank Paying-in Slip.

  3. Click Print.

View unreconciled transactions

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Bank History.

  2. Select the bank account from the Bank Account drop-down.

  3. Select Unreconciled from the Status drop-down.

  4. Select the period start and end dates (if required) in the Date From and Date To boxes.

  5. Click Search.

Print the list of bank transactions

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Bank History.

  2. Click Print.
    A prompt tells you your report is being prepared. Once it has been prepared it is displayed as a PDF and you can then print the PDF file.

Export the list of bank transactions

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Bank History.

  2. Click Export CSV.
    The list of bank transactions is automatically saved as a download comma-separated value (CSV) file.

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