For schools using Till, it is important that the Staff have the correct MISID in ParentPay so that Till and Tali can correctly identify them and sync balances.
On a daily basis, a program called xPorter on Demand (XoD) runs and populates Tali/Till with the names of Pupils and Staff, the unique identifier for Pupils is their UPN, and the unique identifier for staff is their Management Information System Identifier (MISID). These IDs are used to link our systems together.
Unfortunately, ParentPay cannot automatically extract the MISID for staff out of SIMS using the MISSync program schools are so used to using, for the updating of ParentPay with Pupil data. This means, getting MISIDs to ParentPay is a manual exercise.
If the MISID is not in ParentPay or differs from that populated by XoD balances will not be synced between Tali/Till and ParentPay. This mismatch of the MISID for Staff is the most common reason why staff accounts are not being credited with funds topped up on ParentPay.
It is important that the instructions in this document are followed carefully.
Generate a report in SIMS to find the MISID
Update MISSync with the MISIDs exported from SIMS
1 - Generate a report in SIMS to find the Staff MISID
The staff MISID is not displayed on any SIMS screen, so it is necessary to create and run a report to gather this information. Create a report as follows (the user will need to have access to 3rd Party reporting enabled in SIMS):
Login to SIMS
Select reports
Select Design Report
Select create a new report
Select the Staff focus, then next >>
Select Staff, All current, then next >>
From the fields select Full Name
From the list, scroll down the available fields to find 'CESThirdPartyFields', and expand this group by selecting the +
Select Reporter files and select ID (Staff)
Click Next, Next
At the sort screen, select Next
Select Form Report (RTF), then Next >>
Save the report with the name "Staff MISID Report", until the private box
Run this report and print if required
When the report is run, you should be presented with a table that identifies Staff and their MISID. This is the number that MUST be entered into ParentPay with no letters, just the numbers.
2 - Update ParentPay though MISSync
Run MISSync
Find the section for Staff and ensure that the number identified from the report above is entered into the MISSync application
Select Run
3 - Check the data has been uploaded successfully
Log into ParentPay
Select People
Select Pupils and Staff
Select Staff and check that the numbers entered match those in the sheet from SIMS