The objective is to guide team members on how to quickly switch a horse in and out of an entry for a horse show, without having to scratch and re-enter the individual.
Key Steps
Go to the 'Entries' tab in the Manage Event dashabord.
Look for the switch icon next to the horse's name.
Switching Horses
Click on the switch icon to bring up the modal.
Select the classes to switch the horse for.
Search for the new horse from the list.
Adding Team Members
Add team members for the new horse.
Roles can include owner, trainer, etc.
Confirmation and Paperwork
Review the class, old horse, new horse, and team members.
Confirm the switch and sign the necessary paperwork.
Team members will receive notifications to sign new paperwork.
Impact of Switch
The switch will be reflected in all event operations.
Changes will be seen in the order of go, scoring, etc.
Cautionary Notes
Ensure that the paperwork for the switch is signed if it is an official entry.
Only switch horses from inside the manage event dashboard to maintain accuracy and prevent errors.