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Calibration Explained

Learn how to calibrate your Perifit Care or Perifit Care+ for accurate readings

Updated over a week ago

The Calibration is here to ascertain your current pelvic floor's strength and adapt the games to it.

Two types of calibration help training with Perifit Care to be tremendously effective:

  • The initial calibration will ask you to squeeze and relax your pelvic floor 3 times in a row at the beginning of any training session.

  • The dynamic calibration acts behind the scene during any game and adapt the game to your current strength while playing.

The idea of pelvic floor training is to intermittently contract your pelvic floor muscles in order to make them stronger (by the physiological principle of hormesis).

To be effective, the stress stimulus (the contraction) should be applied with an intensity that takes you beyond your comfort zone. Otherwise, you would only be having fun, but not working out. However, in order to not be detrimental and lead to injuries, bad form, or discouragement, the stress stimulus should not be too high either.

With Perifit Care, the highest stress stimulus is defined as the intensity of the contraction needed to reach a lotus positioned at the top of the screen.

Both calibrations are tasked with tailoring the optimal intensity to your physical state of the day so that you get the most out of your training time.

Initial calibration

The initial calibration determines the highest intensity to start with. It requests you to relax/squeeze three times to get an accurate measurement of your maximum strength at that given moment.

For example, if your maximum strength is 200g, Perifit Care will ensure the highest lotus needs 200g of pressure to be reached. No more, no less.

And if today you can press 800g, the highest lotus will be placed just right for you, too.

Dynamic calibration

But your maximum and your minimum strength may not stay exactly the same throughout your training. Two main reasons can be muscle fatigue and repositioning. That is where the dynamic calibration comes in. If it detects that your relaxation and maximal contraction values have changed, it adapts the intensity of the requested contraction so that the game remains feasible, while still requiring you to strive.

Achieving a perfect calibration


For the initial calibration to be as accurate as possible, you should do it in a body position that you will keep throughout the game. That is if you calibrated lying with legs bent, keep your legs bent during the game. If you changed position and the bird's position seems inaccurate, you should Pause > Recalibrate in the new position.

Playing by the rules

Both the initial and dynamic calibrations work by comparing a displayed contraction pattern with an expected one. So, for those to behave adequately, you should play by the rules and follow the calibration and game guidelines.


Troubleshooting calibration

If you can't reach the high lotuses, you could simply squeeze less hard at the initial calibration. Giving 50% of your best instead of 100% will make the highest lotus twice as easy to reach.

You can do this in the middle of a game if needed ( Pause > Recalibrate).

On the contrary, if it is too easy to train, you could try to relax deeper and squeeze harder for all three of the relax/squeeze injunctions in the calibration. Indeed, the higher lotuses are positioned based on the average difference in the applied pressures between the relaxed and squeezed states.

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