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How can I automatically send a digital freebie (e-book, PDF,...) to a lead from my funnel?
How can I automatically send a digital freebie (e-book, PDF,...) to a lead from my funnel?

Here you will find all the steps to automatically send a freebie to your leads after opt-in.

Luise avatar
Written by Luise
Updated over a week ago

Free content is ideal for quickly achieving a large reach and thus generating many leads.

To ensure that you can retain them directly after your funnel, sending your freebie by mail is a great way to build up your email campaigns.

Two easy ways to provide your leads with the free content:

Option 1 - Link your freebie directly on the thank you page for download:

To include your content in your funnel, you can upload it through your hosting provider, e.g.: Amazon Web Services.

Or you can use a storage location like Google Drive, Dropbox or Microsoft Cloud. Remember to make the link publicly available!

You can simply add this to a clickable button on your thank you page. Then your leads can download their freebie directly after opt-in.

Option 2 - Email your lead magnet to your leads.

For this option you need:

  • Perspective Funnels

  • Email software (e.g. ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp,...)

  • If your email software does not yet integrate directly with us, you will also need a Zapier account.

And this is how it works:

  1. Create a list in your CRM / email system where all new contacts from your Perspective Funnel should end up.

  2. Link your Perspective Funnel to your email software / CRM system via Zapier. Click here to get to the Zapier links.

  3. Create an email in your mailing tool / CRM system with the linked e-book in a workflow / automation. Which you send to all your contacts that end up in the list you created in step one.

    Note here that you need the consent of your leads to be able to send them information. Here we show you how to set up a double opt-in accordingly.

Note 💡

If you're not sure how to send an automated email in your email tool, we've linked to some help articles from popular providers:

For more information on the following topics, visit our Help Center:

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