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In-App Notifications

In-App notifications notify users in the web app for changes to points in select scenarios.

Nicole Howard avatar
Written by Nicole Howard
Updated over a week ago

In-App Notifications

Click the bell icon above the Profile Settings avatar to open your in-app notifications. Users will be notified of changes to points in four scenarios:

1) If a user creates a point, they will be notified of all changes.
2) If a user is assigned to a point, they will be notified of all changes to that point.

3) If a user is @mentioned in a point in the description or comments sections, they will be notified. (A user can be mentioned in the Description, Rich Text Custom Field, and Comments.)

4) If a user manually subscribes to a point from the point card.

Users can still see a list of all activity for all points they can access in the Dashboard Activities feed and thorough email notifications (if enabled in Profile Settings page).

The bell icon displays a small red dot when you have new notifications. Click the icon, and a notification panel will open.

Notifications include the account and site name, title, avatar of the user who made the change, a brief description of what's been changed, and how long ago the change was made. When clicked, the title is a hyperlink and will open the point directly in the associated account and site.

Individual notifications can be marked as read, unread, or closed out completely using the options directly on the notification.

Use the menu at the top of the panel to filter the notifications by type, or click the filter icon in the top right corner to filter notifications by a specific account or site.


Respond to any comment notification directly in the notification panel by clicking the arrow button on the right side of the notification content. A comment box will appear and include rich text options. By default, the person who made the original comment or notification will automatically be added as an @mention.

Once the comment has been made, a green tick will appear with 'comment sent.'

Quickly acknowledge comments from colleagues by liking the comment from the notification panel or the activity feed in the point card. Click the like button again to unlike the comment.

Click the notification to open the point card and see the full string of comments at the bottom of the point card.

​Unsubscribe from a point

If you wish to unsubscribe from a point, click on the point card and the bell icon. If the blue bell icon is coloured white, you have been unsubscribed from a point, and you will no longer receive the notifications.

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