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What does average turnaround time mean?
Carissa Vowels avatar
Written by Carissa Vowels
Updated over 7 months ago

Vendor profiles on Pixlmob now display the vendor's average turnaround time for each service the vendor offers on Pixlmob (once the vendor has completed 10 or more orders for that service)!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What is the difference between the turnaround time and the average turnaround time?

    • The turnaround time is determined and selected by the vendor for each service he offers on Pixlmob. The vendor can change his set turnaround time in the services section of his Pixlmob profile.

    • The average turnaround time is a calculation showing the average amount of time it takes the vendor to deliver an order for that service.

  • How is the average turnaround time calculated?

    • The turnaround time for a service starts when the vendor has accepted and ends when the vendor has delivered. The average is the sum of that time for all orders of that service divided by the total number of orders for that service.

    • The calculation does not take into account how many deliverables are in the order.

    • The average begins calculating once the vendor accepts the order (whether automatically or manually), not from when the order is submitted by the customer.

  • Is the vendor required to deliver it within the turnaround time?

    • The vendor is expected to deliver the work within the turnaround time he committed to for that service.

    • If the vendor fails to deliver by the turnaround time, you should message the vendor for an update and subsequently dispute the order if he does not respond.

    • The vendor is not required to submit work by the average turnaround time listed on his profile. The order should be disputed only if it is late, not if the vendor takes longer than average to complete the work.

  • Which orders are used to calculate the average turnaround time?

    • All standard orders for that service are used to calculate the average.

    • ASAP orders do not count in this calculation.

    • Revision requests do not impact the average turnaround time.

  • The average turnaround time isn't displaying for some services from a vendor. Why is that?

    • The average turnaround time will only be displayed once the vendor has completed 10 or more orders for that service.

  • Can a vendor change his average turnaround time?

    • The vendor does not have access to change or manipulate this turnaround time.

    • The only way a vendor can improve his average turnaround time is to deliver work faster.

  • I want the vendor to take his time and don't want him to be penalized if he delivers past the deadline or longer than average.

    • On a case by case basis, Pixlmob admin can designate an order to be excluded from the average turnaround time calculation.

    • Pixlmob admin monitor these averages to identify and consider possible outliers.

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